mainqwo - Summary

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Group Admin:
1 active member

Group identification
Id: 10107
System Name: qwo
Name: qwo
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

An efficient way to input text for handheld devices without picking your finger off the touch screen.

Registration Date: Fri 19 Dec 2008 06:16:37 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha


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qwo version 0.5
     posted by caratorn, Sun 31 May 2009 04:15:51 PM UTC


A new version of qwo, 0.5 has been released. The main difference with the previous version is the color support. User can now specify the colors to be used as foreground, background and for the lines.

Some gestures that would lead to print ? have been replaced with
appropriate letters if extending the gesture past one region.

Plus additional bugfixes, especially to the building process.

qwo version 0.4 is out
     posted by caratorn, Sun 08 Feb 2009 02:41:14 PM UTC

Here's the highlight of this release:

-The window can now be resized, but has to remain square.
-There is a paste (P).

Also the gesture to print help image is now middle left region to bottom left one, which is easier to do.

The project has moved to Savannah, you can reach the homepage at to get the details.

Binaries and the sources can be obtained on the download page:

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