ReCoCalc (Precondition Calculus for Static Composition of Refactoring Operations) - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
This software is a library to compute the precondition of a sequence of refactoring operations. The user has to give a formal description of the refactoring operations (precondition and behavior) and uses the functions of the library to compute the minimum precondition that ensures that a chain of refactoring opeations won't fail and give the specified result.
The preconditions are described by propositional logic. The set of propositions are defined by the user for the language he/she handles.
The implementation language is Ocaml. This is an Ocaml library. However, the language handled by the library is not restricted to Ocaml.
The calculus and the kind of descriptions expected for the refactoring
operations are described in the paper Static Composition of Refactorings by G. Kniesel and H. Koch, published in Science of Computer Programming, 52(Issues 1-3): pages 9-51, 2004.
Registration Date: Mon 03 Dec 2012 04:11:52 PM UTC
License: Other license - CECILL-C -- This is a variant of the CECILL 2 licence for libraries. CECILL 2 is compatible with GNU GPL according to
Development Status: 4 - Beta
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