Scientific Digital Assistant - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
The objective of Scientific Digital Assistant (SDA) project is to create a low cost linux handheld that could be useful for high school and university students, and even professors and scientific and technical professionals.
There were similar projects in the past, like HP Xpander( ), but none have seen the light. There isn't any good and powerful scientific app for handhelds, and laptops can't be get easily for most high school or university students in a lot of countries, so we think that a low cost linux handheld would be a good tool for education and daily work for students that can't easily access to computers or new technologies.
The project has two main parts, hardware and software. The hardware part is being studied, and while this happens we should use a Linux PDA to run the software environment created for the SDA.
Some software basics for the project:
*Familiar Linux Distribution for HP iPAQ handhelds:
*GPE: GNU Palmtop Environment:
*Giac/XCAS for math software:
*And more to be added..
Registration Date: Sun 01 Sep 2002 11:24:12 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 1 - Planning

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