mainSkencil - Summary

Membership Info
Group Admins:
7 active members

Group identification
Id: 1154
System Name: skencil
Name: Skencil
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Skencil is an advanced vector drawing program for X-Windows. It's intended to be a flexible and powerful tool for illustrations, diagrams and other purposes. It is written in Python with some modules written in C. (Renamed to Skencil October 2003.)

Registration Date: Thu 24 Jan 2002 08:05:18 PM UTC
License: GNU Lesser General Public License
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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Skencil 0.6.16 released
     posted by bernhard, Tue 27 Jan 2004 02:49:03 PM UTC

Almost one year after the previous version
Bernhard Herzog released another stable revision
of his Free Software vector drawing application.

This is a maintenance release
focussed on bug fixing and stability.
It is the first release under the new Skencil brand. [...]

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 Patch Manager (open items: 13, total: 50)

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