Terminocheck - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
This script has been first created because of a request from people from http://help.riseup.net: switch all occurrences of 'Linux' in their documentation to 'GNU/Linux'.
It could have been done with sed or something like that, or even a simple Perl script with recursion in interpreter's command line, but we wanted to make a dynamic and reusable script, which would offer to the user the possibility to examine the context of the occurrence, check if replacement is appropriated (for example if text speaks about the Linux kernel), etc.
Development is at an early stage. We hope to add a lot more features
(for example, scan into a git repository to evaluate the amount of changes
that may be needed there).
For more information, or to give us help or comments -- it can be about language, we know we can make some mistakes, as I am french -- please contact me at <felicien dot pillot at riseup dot net>.
In French :
Ce programme en ligne de commande permet aux utilisateurs de scanner des fichiers texte (code source, documentation, etc), à la recherche d'erreurs terminologiques.
Typiquement et par défaut, il remplace les occurences "Linux" par GNU/Linux ; cependant il laisse le choix de la correction à l'utilisateur, car certains cas peuvent êtres ambigüs et doivent donc être résolus manuellement.
Registration Date: Sun 12 Jun 2016 07:47:03 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha
posted by felandral, Mon 17 Apr 2017 03:38:46 PM UTC
I rewrote entirely Terminocheck, now it presents a graphical user interface, thank to Tk.
You can download it under the "Download" section, at the top of the page.
Some bugs still happen with strangely-encoded strings, it needs fix.
Enjoy this wonderful version !

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