mainTFTB -- the Time-Frequency Toolbox - Summary

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Id: 7824
System Name: tftb
Name: TFTB -- the Time-Frequency Toolbox
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

The Time-Frequency Toolbox (TFTB) is a collection of about 100 scripts for GNU Octave and
Matlab (R) developed for the analysis of non-stationary signals using time-frequency distributions. It is primary intended for researchers and engineers with some basic knowledge in signal processing.

The toolbox contains numerous algorithms performing time-frequency analysis with a special emphasis on quadratic energy distributions of the Cohen and affine classes, and their version enhanced by the reassignment method. The toolbox also includes signal generation procedures and processing/post-processing routines (with display utilities).

Registration Date: Wed 20 Jul 2005 04:31:07 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 1 - Planning


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