mainTraverso-DAW: Record and Arrange Audio Fast - Summary

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Id: 8484
System Name: traverso
Name: Traverso-DAW: Record and Arrange Audio Fast
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Traverso-DAW is a free, cross platform multitrack audio recording and editing suite, with an innovative and easy to master User Interface. It's suited for both the professional and home user, who needs a robust and solid DAW.
A complete suite
 Traverso-DAW is a complete solution from recording to CD Mastering. By supplying many common tools in one package, the user isn't forced to learn different applications who often have different ways to be controlled. This will lower the learning curve considerably and as a result, the user will be able to do his audio processing much quicker!

Robust non-linear audio processing
 A unique approach to non-linear audio processing was developed for Traverso-DAW to provide extremely solid and robust audio processing and editing. Adding and removal of effects plugins, moving Audio Clips or creating new Tracks during playback is perfectly save, giving the user the opportunity to instantly get feedback on his work!

Registration Date: Sun 16 Apr 2006 02:28:38 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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Traverso 0.49.6 released
     posted by r_sijrier, Sun 03 Mar 2019 05:42:03 PM UTC

The stable version of Traverso is regularly updated so it keeps working in the ever changing software environment.

It compiles with the latest version of Qt, gcc/clang and some minor fixes along the way.

Thank you for using Traverso!

Traverso 0.49.1 feature release available for download
     posted by r_sijrier, Sat 28 Mar 2009 10:16:57 AM UTC

Traverso 0.49.1 Release Announcement

The Traverso development team is pleased to announce the release of Traverso 0.49.1

Traverso is a cross platform multitrack audio recording and editing suite with a clean and innovative interface targeted for home and professional use. [...]

Traverso 0.42.0 released
     posted by r_sijrier, Fri 14 Dec 2007 07:27:20 PM UTC

The Traverso development team is pleased to announce the release of Traverso 0.42.0

Important changes in this release:

  • Read and write support for Ogg Vorbis, WavPack, FLAC and MP3
  • On the fly sample rate conversion
  • A simple yet effective Project backup and restore system
Traverso 0.41.0 released
     posted by r_sijrier, Thu 05 Jul 2007 01:33:58 PM UTC

Following shortly after the 0.40.0 release, the 0.41.0 release features a number of important fixes, jack transport control support, a new AudioClip Edit dialog and an improved External Procssing Dialog.

Due the nature of some bugs that are fixed in this release, it is recommended to upgrade to this release!

Have fun,

The Traverso team.

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