mainTrustPeer, a trusted friends p2p software, in order to build a TrustNet - Summary

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Id: 3497
System Name: trustnet
Name: TrustPeer, a trusted friends p2p software, in order to build a TrustNet
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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TrustPeer is a secure, "friends only" based peer-to-peer software. The idea is to connect only to friends you really trust, and they will forward files and requests to their own friends, and so on. No direct connection involving the disclosure of your IP address will occur with someone you don't know and trust already.

Our goal is to provide a protocol for a trusted friends peer-to-peer networking. All communications in a TrustNet can be authenticated and encrypted using plugins ranging from SSL to the strongest "private symmetric key" crypto available (i.e. OTP). This trust model can also be used to create a new kind of money (trusted tokens) that is not subject to corruption.

Our goals are similar to projects like Gnunet, Freenet, DirectConnect, Mnet,peekabooty,camera/shy and others. We will try to add our "trusted friends" features to those projects, while proving our concepts by building a new "trust first" oriented network (called TrustNet and running the TrustPeer software)

We designed a universal (with steganography and traffic analysis options) and portable crypto plugin API. We plan to do the same with random generators.

Right now, half of our code and doc is in the website CVS (and yes, the other half is in the code CVS)

Registration Date: Mon 09 Dec 2002 01:01:53 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha


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