mainViua Virtual Machine - Summary

Membership Info
Group Admin:
1 active member

Group identification
Id: 11623
System Name: viuavm
Name: Viua Virtual Machine
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Viua is a register-based virtual machine programmable in high-level assembly language.

Special emphasis is put on control over software's behaviour (by providing only a thin layer of assembly between the programmer and the VM), predictability of execution (by providing virtual, internally-sequential processes as containers of execution, and managing resources in a strictly scope-based manner), error tolerance (by employing exception-based error handling mechanism, and providing means of process restarting), and concurrency (by using lightweight virtual processes as means of concurrency, and offloading FFI calls to separate schedulers).

Features of Viua make it well-suited for systems that should run for prolonged periods of time, and require high-levels of reliability and availability (think message brokers, communication systems, system daemons, etc.).

Registration Date: Tue 12 Jul 2016 07:50:13 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha


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4096 commits
     posted by maelkum, Mon 05 Sep 2016 09:20:30 PM UTC

18d0592a907c84275fee6b221915f35032d17d76 was the 4096th commit pushed to the repository. Full commit is available on project's Git page on Savannah:

After a short celebration, involving updating the README file and bumping patch version, Viua is progressing towards commit count of 8192.

Release 0.8.4
     posted by maelkum, Sun 28 Aug 2016 02:56:01 PM UTC

With 75 commits since 0.8.3 this release brings few, but important improvements to
the core of the virtual machine.


Viua now support simultaneous multiprocessing for virtual processes.
The maximum number of virtual process that can be run in parallel depends on the settings the machine [...]

Release 0.8.3
     posted by maelkum, Fri 05 Aug 2016 09:25:18 PM UTC


With 141 commits since 0.8.2 this release is mostly a gradual
Release 0.8.3 is mostly a gradual improvement over 0.8.2, the 141 commits pushed
to the repository introduce some new but not revolutionary features, and
a bunch of minor fixes. [...]

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