VL2 Support Libraries - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
Objective: Through the voterlist, we wish to strengthen the hands of the Election Commission and its state level offices, the statutory body orchestrating the great dance of democracy . We also believe that the citizen must be given due rights and respect as compared to what the official machinery can presently afford. With due respect to the genuine desire on the part of dedicated bureacrats and lower level staff, the very size of the problem is beyond non-computer interface. The irony is that data has been computersied and is in indian language but there is no provision in the system for public interface to data in indian language. This also affects the smoothness and efficiency of the verification and registration process .We believe that GNU/Linux free software , localised in all indian languages and unicode standard alone provide the affordable universal interface. These will provide access to people who wish to work with computers loaded with proprietory software just as well as those who wish to use free software.
A working demo of search engine designed using this library has been put up at
Its main features include:
* Full Text Search can be made by name and/or address OR Photo
Identity Card No.
* Search results include Polling booth name,address and Other info
such as serial No. and Part No.
* completely based on GNU/linux
* original ISCII data in DBF format was converted to unicode and
imported into PostgreSQL
* complete source code of the search engine is released under GNU
GPL on savannah.nongnu.org (see vl2-libs) copyrights belong to Swapnil
Hajare & Sreepathi Pai
* powered by intuitive similar sounding search technique called
"souindics" developed @ Indictrans
* Although the data itself is in Marathi search can be made in
Marathi as well as English
* Search results can be in Unicode Marathi/modified ITRANS English
OR in legacy fonts like Shusha,DVBWTTYogesh.
* Results are also available in Dynamic font
AkrutiHnbDynamicYogini (courtsey: Cyberscape Ltd.)
* Search time less than 15sec on entire data on an average
* Search results can also be obtained in the form of voterslip as
PDF with embedded Shusha font which can be viewed in any PDF viewer
without installing font
Registration Date: Sat 28 Aug 2004 07:11:08 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
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