mainXML Difference Generator - Summary

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Group identification
Id: 5156
System Name: xmldiff
Name: XML Difference Generator
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Two XML files may differ in a number of ways. They might be

a. based on altogether different DTD/schemas
b. of similar structure/layout but have different values,
c. having different number of nodes for same node names

Our objective is to find out the differences in XML files falling in category b and c. Although type a files will also be handled but they don't make a case since it does not make practical sense to compare two entirely different files.

At this moment in project (Aug 28th, 2003), only the WHAT for the project has been decided. The HOW and HOW MUCH are yet to be analysed and worked upon.

Actual/New design and implementation ideas are welcome.

Here I will put what I have already thought of -

> Will be developed in Java
> Will be using DOM technology (
> Will have a GUI to allow relatively easy to use user interface
> Will also have command line interface to allow integration with other sources/recipients
> Will allow the difference output in various forms

- allow only unchanged tags to go to  a new file
- allow only changed tags to go to  a new file
- generate a separate XML file containing the differences

> Using DTD/XSD to compare the XML files

And ....

Its intended to be open ended. Further suggestions to add WHAT for the project are most welcome.

Registration Date: Thu 28 Aug 2003 07:21:16 PM UTC
License: GNU Lesser General Public License
Development Status: 1 - Planning


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