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Group Description Type
ArchZoom A Web-based Arch repository browser. non-GNU software and documentation
Ares2005 Ares2005 is coding your flies by specific algoritm. non-GNU software and documentation
Argile programming language compiler Argile is an experimental, C-based, compiled programming language, that produces C code. It is not intended for beginners, but for experimented programmers with a good knowledge of C. non-GNU software and documentation
argopt, an alternative getopt library argopt(3) is build due to frustration with getopt(3). non-GNU software and documentation
Arg_parser Argument parser that follows POSIX and GNU conventions for command line arguments non-GNU software and documentation
Arkeion Arkeion is a IEC 61158 (fieldbus) stack for POSIX conformant operating systems. non-GNU software and documentation
ArkiWeb - web content management ArkiWeb is a web content management framework based on Apache, PHP, MySQL and Tidy. non-GNU software and documentation
army A two player turn-based strategy game. A clone of the 90s shareware game of the same name. non-GNU software and documentation
AROUNDMe AROUNDMe is the perfect solution for anyone wishing to create a collaborative social space on the Web. Official GNU software
ARouter non-GNU software and documentation
Artdraw graphics library A fully fledged 2D vector drawing rendering package complete with gradient fills, bitmap fills, full 8x8 level anti-aliasing and microtile update reporting. Its allmost ready for the 1st release but some small API issues and missing features need to be ad non-GNU software and documentation
Article Logiciels Libres Article d'encyclopédie en français, sous la licence GNU FDL, à partir d'un texte initial produit par Philippe Aigrain, dont la version papier est parue dans l'encyclopédie Techniques de l'ingénieur. non-GNU software and documentation
Articulatory Speech Synthesis Gnuspeech text-to-speech database creation and maintenance for arbitrary languages, plus text-to-speech-sound-output generation using articulatory synthesis. It currently includes rhythm, intonation, pronunciation and phonetic-to-synthesiser parameter da Official GNU software
Artificial Intelligence Working non-GNU software and documentation
Artificial Neural Network Library A Free library containing the building blocks for common types of Artificial Neural Network. It is written in C++ and uses the C++ STL. The idea is, that anyone who knows C++ can quickly and easily create a Neural Net and use it in their programs. non-GNU software and documentation
ArX revision control system ArX is an easy to use distributed revision control system that combines high performance with remarkable power and flexibility. non-GNU software and documentation
asd asd is a search engine for man pages. non-GNU software and documentation
Asimulator This is a simulator for intelligent agents. It can be used in courses in artificial intelligence or for fun. The user can practice the use of for example search algorithms. non-GNU software and documentation
Aspirateur de sites Web SpiderCatch est un aspirateur de sites Web réalisé en Java. non-GNU software and documentation
Assange Webserver Assange Webserver is a webserver for sysadmins that are having a bad day. Assange is designed to perform nicely under extremely high loads. IMPORTANT NOTE: Currently, Assange Webserver is in its early stages of development. While the maintainers woul non-GNU software and documentation
assembly-system non-GNU software and documentation
assets-cli assets is a program for handling an assets file. It is meant to work together with ledger-cli (or simply ledger). Therefore it can generate the deprications and their post records and then those can be added to a ledger journal file. non-GNU software and documentation
Astairs The projet is a PHP/PostgreSQL FOAD(E-Learning) framework oriented platform. This program can be used to create website or all other web applications, and can be used to create a fully customised e-learning platform. Main interrest is the project is non-GNU software and documentation
AstWar: 2D Space Shooter Astwar is a ncurses based game that features two little ships on each side of the screen shooting each other. The concept is simple but addictive. Planned features include network support and Scheme scripting via Guile. non-GNU software and documentation
ASWAD non-GNU software and documentation

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