buggraveman - Bugs: bug #12640, no function like "burn...


bug #12640: no function like "burn dvd.iso to dvd"

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Sun 10 Apr 2005 10:09:43 PM UTC
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  None
Assigned to:  None Originator Name:  c.b.
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  * 0.3.10
Fixed Release:  None cdrecord version: 
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Thu 08 Dec 2005 06:26:43 PM UTC, comment #1: 

First thanks for graveman , it has come on a long way since I last looked. Maturing nicely.

This missing feature does seem a bit odd though since all the elements are there except for the interface that lets you do it.

Time , I guess.

While I'm posting , it would be much more intuitive to have a separate means to burn ISO images , "copy" then drop down the list of devices (which you would have no cause to do if you only have one burner) is counter intuitive and I doubt anyone has ever found it unless they was just clicking on everything to just see what happened.

Finally the web address in the help dlg does not point to a valid location for the project.

@Clemens: you can build k3b with -kde option, I dont know how much this reduces the baggage. But I agree, I would rather have a nice , light front-end like Graveman that does (almost) all I want.

Regards, and thanks again for a great tool.

Sun 10 Apr 2005 10:09:43 PM UTC, original submission:  


I've just compiled graveman here in order to test if I can use it with dvd+rw-tools to burn dvds instead of cdrecord.prodvd (which kills my system).
I have a dvd iso here which is 4131M in size. The "duplicate cd" function doesn't accept large files like that.
(I needed a dictionary to figure that out from the error messages ;-) it would be a lot better to print out english error messages too, I guess :-) ) - I'm really looking forward to a full release because this would be the only dvd+rw-tools gui I can use. (no k3b because I don't want kde, no nautilus-burn-add-on because I don't want gnome either ;-) ) - Thanks in advance!





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