bugFreePOOMA - Bugs: bug #13430, Domain/IntervalIterator returns...


bug #13430: Domain/IntervalIterator returns pointer to temporary variable

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Fri 17 Jun 2005 12:18:19 AM UTC
Category:  Library defect Severity:  3 - Normal
Status:  None Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Fri 17 Jun 2005 12:18:19 AM UTC, original submission:  

I recently encountered an error when attempting to build FreePooma using the PathScale Compilers.  The test Particles/tests/destroy fails at higher optimization levels. After some investigation, I found what appears to be source bug.

./src/Domain/IntervalIterator.h declares
class IntervalIterator {
   inline const Value_t &operator*() const { PAssert(!done()); return val_m; }

This works as a standalone iterator, but can result in incorrect behavior when used as an STL reverse_iterator.

This is because /include/c++/3.4.2/bits/stl_iterator.h declares
class reverse_iterator
      operator*() const
        _Iterator __tmp = current;
        return *--__tmp;

Here _Iterator is the same type as IntervalIterator, and reference is of type (const IntervalIterator&).  When operator*() is called for a reverse_iterator it is called on a local copy of IntervalIterator.  Thus, when IntervalIterator::operator*() returns a constant reference to a member variable, reverse_iterator::operator*() returns pointer to a local variable of the wrong scope.  This happens to usually work with g++ because this function is typically inlined.

If I apply the following patch to the source then the test passes with both g++ and pathCC compilers at all optimization levels.  As part of this patch, I made operator->() cause an assertion failure.  I don't believe it is possible to make this function behave in the expected fashion as long as the value is a member of the iterator.

rock:Domain> diff -u IntervalIterator.h.old IntervalIterator.h
--- IntervalIterator.h.old      2005-06-16 16:18:02.167397996 -0700
+++ IntervalIterator.h  2005-06-16 16:21:51.850573938 -0700
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
   typedef ptrdiff_t                           value_type;
   typedef ptrdiff_t                           difference_type;
   typedef const ptrdiff_t*                    pointer;
-  typedef const ptrdiff_t&                    reference;
+  typedef ptrdiff_t                           reference;
   // Constructors
@@ -98,12 +98,12 @@
   // Dereference operator. Returns const ref to internal Loc.
-  inline const Value_t &operator*() const { PAssert(!done()); return val_m; }
+  inline Value_t operator*() const { PAssert(!done()); return val_m; }
   // Member selection operator. Not really useful (ints have no
   // members to invoke), but part of the required interface.
-  inline const Value_t *operator->() const { PAssert(!done()); return &val_m; }
+  inline const Value_t *operator->() const { PAssert(false); return NULL; }
   // Equality tests.
   // This only tests that the iterators have the same value.



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