bugAVR Downloader/UploaDEr - Bugs: bug #14374, Feature Request : terminal mode :...


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bug #14374: Feature Request : terminal mode : improving EEPROM writes

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Fri 02 Sep 2005 04:08:14 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  9 - Immediate Item Group:  None
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Originator Name:  Vincent Trouilliez
Originator Email:  -email is unavailable- Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  None Programmer hardware: 
Device type: 

Sat 17 Sep 2005 07:45:36 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Without a patch, that's going to be rather low-piority, as
the requested feature while being useful, might require a
bit of thought before.

Joerg Wunsch <joerg_wunsch>
Group administrator
Fri 02 Sep 2005 04:08:14 PM UTC, original submission:  

I love to use the terminal mode to look at the content of the EEPROM, the data is very niceley presented.
It is so convenient to modify the EEPROM quickly/directly without having to make a hex file and download it !

So, in order to extend the usefulness of this command, it would be great to make its parser more clever/flexible.

For example we could type in one single command :

write eeprom 0x0000 "A string",0,"another string",0,2.456,-456.76,16036,-113

A bit like when declaring constants with the DB DW etc, in an assembler. The more data formats the parser could understand, the more marvelous/useful/practical/magic it would be ! :o)



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Follow 2 latest changes.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2005-09-17 joerg_wunsch Priority5 - Normal 240 (Error - Not Found)
2005-09-02 None Carbon-Copy- Added vincent --DOT-- trouilliez --AT-- modulonet --DOT-- fr

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