bugSELF Platform - Bugs: bug #23292, Permalink / tinyURL / alias to LO


bug #23292: Permalink / tinyURL / alias to LO

Submitter:  Wouter Tebbens <wtebbens>
Submitted:  Mon 19 May 2008 08:39:37 AM UTC
Category:  user interface Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  feature request Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Mon 19 May 2008 08:39:37 AM UTC, original submission:  

Right now the URL for a consolidated Learning Object ("course") is built up like <domain>/SELF/lessonsview?ssid=XXXX. (where "SELF" is redundant).

As has been discussed in the TEG in October 2007, authors of Learning Objects that reach a certain threshold would be given a small privilege in the form of the ability to create an alias URL for their Learning Object (for that specific version of the LO). This provides the authors with a small reward and distinguishes the created LO from the rest and shows the maturity of the LO.

Such alias, tinyURL or permalink should be built up as follows:
<domain>/<LO-name-release/ of which the author can only establish the "LO-name" and the release should be a consecutive number (integer) generated by the system.

This feature becomes available only after the LO has reached a certain threshold related to the popularity (see QA mechanisms).

Only the main authors of such LO can make use of the feature. These are the ones that have a contribution ratio of at least 10% to the object.

Wouter Tebbens <wtebbens>
Group Member


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