bugCERTI - Bugs: bug #24636, rtig securityserver null pointer...


bug #24636: rtig securityserver null pointer derefeneciation

Submitter:  Enrico von Otte <vonotte>
Submitted:  Thu 23 Oct 2008 11:41:27 AM UTC
Category:  CERTI Severity:  * 3 - Normal
Item Group:  Software error Status:  In Progress
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  erk
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  * 3.3.1
Reproducibility:  Every Time Fixed Release:  * Unknown
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Thu 23 Oct 2008 04:07:38 PM UTC, comment #1: 

There is a small mess regarding killed/crashed federate
in this area.

Two classes are concerned:

The SocketServer is a list of
federation <--> federate link

federation is RTIG
federate is the RTIA of the concerned federate

The link itself is represented by a
SocketTuple object which contains the different
kind of link between the federate and the RTIG
(currently one UDP and on TCP).

the SecurityServer concerned by the bug is
a CERTI specific extension for handling security
level in HLA.

The SecurityServer is reponsible
of checking whether if a specific federate is allowed
to access to particular data.
There is one SecurityServer for each federation
but there is a single (unique) SocketServer for
the RTIG.

Both server have their own "getSocketLink"
SecurityServer instance is calling the underlying
ServerSocket::getSocketLink  with added
Security Access control which is federation specific.

We should review "GLOBALLY" how killed federate should be
handled by the RTIG and in particular by

I'll work on this.

Eric NOULARD <erk>
Group administrator
Thu 23 Oct 2008 11:41:27 AM UTC, original submission:  

method SecurityServer::getSocketLink should return the socket-object associated with a given federate. if federate is killed or some other error lead to deletion of the federate and or it's socket this method gets a null pointer.

it checks against null and returns simply a null pointer -- what is an error, since this null pointer is dereferenced without a further check in SecurityServer::canFederateAccessData.

SecurityServer::getSocketLink should generate a RTI::RTIinternalError exception in case of socket object is null.

Enrico von Otte <vonotte>


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