bugtherion - Bugs: bug #25328, duplicated continuations


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bug #25328: duplicated continuations

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Thu 15 Jan 2009 11:46:59 AM UTC
Status:  None Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Juraj Szunyog Open/Closed:  Open

Tue 17 Feb 2009 09:31:48 PM UTC, comment #2: 

It would be nice if it could be done as Stacho suggests, but maybe it is tricky to implement and therefore low priority???
I prefer duplicate listings to filtered listings and this has now been implemented and works.

For example a particular continuation could be indicated in one or all of the survey, plan, ext elevation, elevation 000 deg, elevation 090 deg and some others as well if person drawing were masochistic.

Perhaps the user could manage their own identification scheme that they input into therion via -attib option or -code option, rather than getting Therion to guess based on proximity to nearest station.  Then Therion could filter duplicates and post concatination of all comments to the output list? or the longest comment to the output list? or?

Bruce Mutton <brucemutton>
Group Member
Fri 23 Jan 2009 02:20:36 PM UTC, comment #1: 

If there are multiple continuation symbols (eg. in plan and elevation and centerline) for same continuation, it should be treated as single object.

Stacho Mudrak <stacho>
Group administrator
Thu 15 Jan 2009 11:46:59 AM UTC, original submission:  

Continuations generated from plan and elevation views are duplicated in the continuation list.



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