bugCERTI - Bugs: bug #27291, Mandatory HTTP proxy usage...


bug #27291: Mandatory HTTP proxy usage (opinion poll included)

Submitter:  Pierre Siron <siron>
Submitted:  Fri 21 Aug 2009 01:03:15 PM UTC
Category:  CERTI Severity:  * 3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  * CVS
Reproducibility:  None Fixed Release:  * Unknown
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Sat 22 Aug 2009 01:36:24 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Hi Pierre,

Ohhh yes-- it was me who caused this never ending trouble. :-/

The misbehavior you describe happens if the system-wide HTTP_PROXY variable is set to some value. If HTTP_PROXY is not set, everything works fine. But I admit the solution is causing troubles to the basic users.

To answer your poll:

1) I need the HTTP proxy functionality, so I need an environment variable to enable it. Any variable is equally fine.
The CERTI_HTTP_PROXY variable is already implemented. Perhaps we only need to disregard the HTTP_PROXY variable.

2) I don't like automatic solutions that guess something on behalf of users. I may run a local RTIG, but need to connect a remote RTIG. I would be frustrated if some internal logic would prevent me from using HTTP proxy to connect a remote RTIG if some local RTIG is running.

3) When you say "when the usage of HTTP is wanted". Do you mean the HTTP protocol, or just HTTP proxy? I need just the proxy (and the CERTI_HTTP_PROXY variable).

Suggestion: Couldn't we drop the HTTP_PROXY support and implement the simplest case: no HTTP proxy, unless explicitly enabled by CERTI_HTTP_PROXY?


Petr Gotthard <gotthardp>
Group Member
Fri 21 Aug 2009 01:03:15 PM UTC, original submission:  

we know that CERTI uses the TCP protocol,
we know that some computers are using an HTTP proxy,
an interesting contribution has been to use this proxy to do
wide area distributed simulations,
but this can lead to an error.

That is to say, I download CERTI, I run the standard configuration
script (myCERTI_env.sh which includes CERTI_HOST=localhost),
I launch the billard federate and it does not work.

billard -n1 -fTest -FTest.fed
CERTI Billard 3.3.3cvs
with TIMESTAMP. If you want without TIMESTAMP add -e option.
RTIA:: RTIA has thrown NetworkError exception.
RTIA:: Reason: gethostbyname gave NULL answer for hostname <proxy>
with error <Resource temporarily unavailable>


billard -n1 -fTest -FTest.fed
CERTI Billard 3.3.3cvs
with TIMESTAMP. If you want without TIMESTAMP add -e option.
RTIA:: RTIA has thrown NetworkError exception.
RTIA:: Reason: Proxy connection refused: HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden

I think that we should avoid that because this is the procedure
that we recommend to all the beginners.
Today the solution exists :

What happens ?
In this simplest case, CERTI tries to use the HTTP proxy
but it does not work or it does not agree the request.
Why to use this proxy in the case of a standalone computer
or in the case of a local network ?
TCP does not imply HTTP !
Even why to use this proxy if we can ask for the opening
of the good TCP port ?

Now the poll.
Do you prefer the introduction of a new variable when the
usage of HTTP is wanted ?
Do you prefer that we modify the standard configuration files ?
Do you prefer an intermediary solution: To discover that
the federation is working locally and to disactivate the
HTTP proxy usage ?

Thank you,

Pierre Siron <siron>
Group administrator


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