bugBKChem - Bugs: bug #31022, Coloured atoms not exported to odg


bug #31022: Coloured atoms not exported to odg

Submitter:  Felix Kling <deepkling>
Submitted:  Mon 13 Sep 2010 05:19:59 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Mon 13 Sep 2010 05:19:59 AM UTC, original submission:  

The title says it already, if I e.g. colour one Atom blue it's still black after export to odg.

Two minor feature requests: I would like to have wavy bonds like those usually used to draw a Hydrogen at positon 1 in glucose, when it's not clear if it's α or β. Also cool would be an "open in Avogardro" (maybe "in 3D" where you have to specify the program you want to use) button which exports a molecule to cml and opens it with avogardro, to have a quick 3D view. currently it's very slow to do that via export, start avogadro, search for the file...

Ah, just to add, thanks for this great program :)

Felix Kling <deepkling>


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