buggnokii - Bugs: bug #32370, hard to handling this kind of error


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bug #32370: hard to handling this kind of error

Submitter:  capede <capede>
Submitted:  Sun 06 Feb 2011 06:09:00 PM UTC
Category:  libgnokii Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  feature request Status:  Need Info
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open

Mon 07 Feb 2011 07:01:40 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Please have a look at http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/gnokii.git/tree/Docs/Bugs to have a clue on how to report bugs.

And several notes. Not all gnokii API functions are supposed to return gn_error. Please refer to include/gnokii.h to refer to the API specification. You may additionally look at the function definition, it may include some additional comment on the desired usage.

Message errors usually (especially in debug log) are meant to be help to a user and developers and do not have anything todo with gn_error.

Apps as xgnokii, gnocky or gnome-phone-manager deal somehow with the initialization problems. And I don't know what kind of problem with failed initialization do you have.

And I have no idea what feature request do you mean because you didn't mention any.

Pawel Kot <pkot>
Group administrator
Sun 06 Feb 2011 06:09:00 PM UTC, original submission:  

i've encountered quite interesting error which i thought not came out from gn_error


Can't connect: Host is down
Telephone interface init failed: Command failed.

and im sure that thing did not came out from gn_error or GN_ERR_?? ,am i wrong?

thus it just make little hard to send this error over GUI, when im tryin intend to make GUI-gnokii thing...
finally, hope this feature-requet would be reconsidering to solved on next release ;)

capede <capede>


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