bugThe FreeType Project - Bugs: bug #34896, Can't read BDF files with ENCODING...


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bug #34896: Can't read BDF files with ENCODING values larger than 0xFFFF

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Fri 25 Nov 2011 03:38:23 PM UTC
Severity:  3 - Normal Item Group:  None
Status:  Fixed Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  wl Open/Closed:  Closed
Planned Release:  2.4.9

Sun 27 Nov 2011 03:44:14 PM UTC, comment #4: 

The ENCODING issue is fixed now in the git repository.

Regarding the FontForge problem I can't help, unfortunately.

Werner LEMBERG <wl>
Group administrator
Fri 25 Nov 2011 05:18:03 PM UTC, comment #3: 

For reasons unknown to me, I can't attach the xz file directly.  Strange.  Anyway, I've split the file into two parts; please say

 cat jieub-bt-ps-aa jieub-bt-ps-ab > jieub-bt-ps.sfd.xz

to get the original compressed font.

Werner LEMBERG <wl>
Group administrator
Fri 25 Nov 2011 04:59:41 PM UTC, comment #2: 

I've compressed with `xz -9' instead of bz2, and now the file is only 2.2MByte large, see attachment :-)

Werner LEMBERG <wl>
Group administrator
Fri 25 Nov 2011 03:42:04 PM UTC, comment #1: 

The system doesn't seem to want to let me attach the SFD file, which is 5.6M bzipped.  For the moment it is available at http://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca/temporary/jieub-bt-ps.sfd.bz2 .  I can't promise to keep it online indefinitely.

Fri 25 Nov 2011 03:38:23 PM UTC, original submission:  

If I load the attached SFD font file in FontForge, generate a 100-pixel bitmap version with FontForge's "use FreeType" option selected, and save it as a BDF file, the BDF file (attached) is corrupted, with many glyphs blank or containing ugly artifacts.  The problem does not occur if I don't use FontForge's "use FreeType" option when doing the rasterization, or if I compile FontForge without FreeType.  Observed with versions 2.3.9 and 2.4.8 of FreeType.  It happens identically (not just corruption on both but the SAME corruption on both) on an x86-32 and an x86-64 system.

On the FontForge mailing list, Werner Lemberg told me that FreeType has a limitation preventing it from loading a BDF file in which the "ENCODING" field of any glyph is greater than 65535.  That appears to be relevant to this font, which does contain such glyphs.  He asked me to file a bug here, with a copy of the font, to act as a reminder that the limit should be removed.

However, that's not the whole story.  FontForge actually uses its own code, never FreeType, to read and write BDF files anyway!  That would explain why I have been able to correctly load and save other fonts that also contain characters with code points greater than 65535 notwithstanding the FreeType limit.  There appears to be something wrong with rasterization, not only BDF support; and although that may be best taken up with the FontForge maintainers (as I am doing), it happens when and only when I tell FontForge to use FreeType for rasterization, so it likely does have something to do with FreeType.



(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attached Files
file #24455:  jieub-bt-ps-ab added by wl (1MiB - application/octet-stream)
file #24454:  jieub-bt-ps-aa added by wl (1MiB - application/octet-stream)
file #24453:  JieubsidaBatangPS.bdf.xz added by wl (729KiB - application/octet-stream)


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    Follow 10 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2011-11-27 wl Planned ReleaseNone 2.4.9
    2011-11-27 wl StatusNone Fixed
        Assigned toNone wl
        Open/ClosedOpen Closed
        SummaryCorruption of a BDF file with high-code-point glyphs Can't read BDF files with ENCODING values larger than 0xFFFF
    2011-11-25 wl Attached File- Added jieub-bt-ps-aa, #24454
        Attached File- Added jieub-bt-ps-ab, #24455
    2011-11-25 wl Attached File- Added JieubsidaBatangPS.bdf.xz, #24453
    2011-11-25 wl Attached File#24452 Removed
    2011-11-25 None Attached File- Added JieubsidaBatangPS.bdf.bz2, #24452

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