bugdevilspie2 - Bugs: bug #50291, get_workspace_count always returns...


bug #50291: get_workspace_count always returns 1

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Sun 12 Feb 2017 10:10:00 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Tue 30 Jan 2018 09:39:01 AM UTC, comment #2: 

you can try "set_viewport(4);" instead.

Sun 12 Feb 2017 10:18:30 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I'm the submitter for this bug. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have additional questions. I should have created the account before creating the bug. Sorry about that.

Kevin <wkmanire>
Sun 12 Feb 2017 10:10:00 PM UTC, original submission:  


DevilsPie2 v0.39-v
Ubuntu 16.04.1
Unity 7.4.0

This is the package currently made available for Xenial in the us.archive.ubuntu.com repository.


When I call get_workspace_count() from any Lua script executed by devilspie2 I always get a return value of 1. I have 4 workspaces enabled currently and am expecting to get a result of 4.

If I try to use set_window_workspace() to set an application's workspace to a workspace which I know to exist, in this case workspace 4, then I get the following error output.

$ devilspie2 --debug
Running devilspie2 in debug mode.

Using scripts from folder: /home/wkmanire/.config/devilspie2
List of LUA files handling "window_open" events in folder:
List of LUA files handling "window_close" events in folder:

* (devilspie2:2634): WARNING *: Workspace number 4 does not exist!

(devilspie2:2634): Wnck-CRITICAL **: wnck_window_move_to_workspace: assertion 'WNCK_IS_WORKSPACE (space)' failed



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