bugGNU Wget - Bugs: bug #51752, Tag <srcset> not downloaded...


bug #51752: Tag <srcset> not downloaded within <picture> tag

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Mon 14 Aug 2017 06:08:25 PM UTC
Category:  Web Site Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Originator Email:  -email is unavailable-
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  1.19.1
Operating System:  GNU/Linux Reproducibility:  Every Time
Fixed Release:  None Planned Release:  None
Regression:  No Work Required:  None
Patch Included:  No
* Mandatory Fields

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Thu 02 Aug 2018 03:19:10 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I may have something similiar, but with me the srcset get corrupted

GNU Wget built on darwin17.7.0.
Installed via homebrew - running on iMac OSX 10.13.6 (17G65)

If I run the following command, you can see the srcset get completely messed up

wget -r -k -E -nH -F http://aap.test

<picture class=" " >
<img style="object-position:67% 51%"
sizes="(max-width: 3200px) 100vw, 3200px"
srcset="thumbs/home/egg-320x213-q60.1533120692.jpg 320w,thumbs/home/egg-792x528-q60.1533120693.jpgpg 792thumbs/home/egg-1102x735-q60.1533120693.jpg.jpg 11thumbs/home/egg-1366x911-q60.1533120694.jpg94.jpg thumbs/home/egg-1593x1062-q60.1533120694.jpg0694.jpthumbs/home/egg-1798x1199-q60.1533120694.jpg120694.thumbs/home/egg-1993x1329-q60.1533120695.jpg3312069thumbs/home/egg-2177x1452-q60.1533120695.jpg1533120thumbs/home/egg-2351x1568-q60.1533120695.jpg0.15331thumbs/home/egg-2526x1685-q60.1533120696.jpgq60.153thumbs/home/egg-2692x1795-q60.1533120696.jpg5-q60.1thumbs/home/egg-3200x2134-q60.1533120696.jpg134-q60.1533120696.jpg 3200w"
src="thumbs/home/egg-3200x2134-q60.1533120696.jpg" alt="AltText"/>

If I run the following command i.e. without the '-k', you can see the srcset is OK

wget -r -E -nH -F http://aap.test
<picture class=" " >
<img style="object-position:67% 51%"
sizes="(max-width: 3200px) 100vw, 3200px"
srcset="http://aap.test/thumbs/home/egg-320x213-q60.1533120692.jpg 320w,
http://aap.test/thumbs/home/egg-792x528-q60.1533120693.jpg 792w,
http://aap.test/thumbs/home/egg-1102x735-q60.1533120693.jpg 1102w,
http://aap.test/thumbs/home/egg-1366x911-q60.1533120694.jpg 1366w,
http://aap.test/thumbs/home/egg-1593x1062-q60.1533120694.jpg 1593w,
http://aap.test/thumbs/home/egg-1798x1199-q60.1533120694.jpg 1798w,
http://aap.test/thumbs/home/egg-1993x1329-q60.1533120695.jpg 1993w,
http://aap.test/thumbs/home/egg-2177x1452-q60.1533120695.jpg 2177w,
http://aap.test/thumbs/home/egg-2351x1568-q60.1533120695.jpg 2351w,
http://aap.test/thumbs/home/egg-2526x1685-q60.1533120696.jpg 2526w,
http://aap.test/thumbs/home/egg-2692x1795-q60.1533120696.jpg 2692w,
http://aap.test/thumbs/home/egg-3200x2134-q60.1533120696.jpg 3200w"
src="http://aap.test/thumbs/home/egg-3200x2134-q60.1533120696.jpg" alt="AltText"/>

Any ideas how to fix this?

Russ <audiobear>
Mon 14 Aug 2017 06:08:25 PM UTC, original submission:  

When downloading a page together with it's resources using the following command the images in the srcset are not downloaded, neither are the URL's renamed to make it work locally.

wget -E -H -k -K -p http://www.53.com/



(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

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Depends on the following items: None found

Items that depend on this one: None found


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