bugLaTeX semantic checker - Bugs: bug #55317, WipeArg doesn't work for multiline...


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bug #55317: WipeArg doesn't work for multiline arguments

Submitter:  Leonard König <larkey>
Submitted:  Fri 28 Dec 2018 09:23:55 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  Postponed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  gvol
Open/Closed:  Open

Thu 13 Oct 2022 12:06:24 AM UTC, comment #2: 

I spent quite a while trying to get this to work and it's going to be hard to get it working correctly.  With the work I have so far, there are cases when it can keep wiping to the end of the file which is obviously worse than what it does now.

Ivan Andrus <gvol>
Group administrator
Wed 09 Jan 2019 03:54:24 AM UTC, comment #1: 

This is certainly true.  Unfortunately, the way ChkTeX is currently written is very line-oriented and it may be difficult to keep wiping arguments across lines. 

Sometimes the behavior changes if the line ends with a comment (because it removes the whitespace introduced by the newline), and so I tried adding comments to the end of each line, and it silenced the warning, though for a different reason than I had hoped.  :-/

In fact, the reason that


is because it see the "DE," as having no space after it.  If it were typeset it would appear as ...de_DE,seconds..., and so chktex is fooled into not warning about improper spacing because there is no spacing.  Anyway, I thought you might be interested in this work around.

Ivan Andrus <gvol>
Group administrator
Fri 28 Dec 2018 09:23:55 PM UTC, original submission:  

I use this

UserWarnRegex {
        (?!#After-comma! spacing! `\@,! '! should! perhaps! be! used)[A-Z][A-Z][[:punct:]][[:space:]]

to warn me about things like "foo US, bar" which should be "foo US\@, bar" because the 'S' sets spacefactor=999 and the ',' should set the spacefactor=1250 but can only go up to 1000 because it's not allowed to jump from <1000 to >1000.  It's basically a similar problem to interword and intersentence-spacing.

Anyway, I also have this in my document before \begin{document}


Sadly the UserWarnRegex warns about "DE,\n". I tried to silence the warning using WipeArg:

WipeArg {

unfortunately this only wipes the arguments for this use:


But as soon as I go multi-line it doesn't work anymore.  This is true of course for all WipeArgs but usually not of a big issue because the arguments tend to be short and inline.

Leonard König <larkey>


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