bugMIT/GNU Scheme - Bugs: bug #65620, wrong-type-argument loading...


bug #65620: wrong-type-argument loading types.com when building runtime.com

Submitter:  Taylor R. Campbell <riastradh>
Submitted:  Sun 21 Apr 2024 02:22:18 PM UTC
Category:  runtime Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Item Group:  Incorrect behavior
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Originator Name: 
Open/Closed:  Open
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Wed 08 May 2024 11:31:58 PM UTC, comment #1: 

This is happening because the stage-0 microcode is used with the stage-1 runtime.  This only happens when --cross-compile is specified.

Is there a reason why this is being done as opposed to compiling stage-1 microcode and use that?

In any case, I'll fix the problem by removing the runtime half of the changes, and release a 12.2 with the microcode changes.

Chris Hanson <cph>
Group administrator
Sun 21 Apr 2024 02:22:18 PM UTC, original submission:  

Can't build master from 12.1:

$ ./Setup.sh
$ ./configure --enable-cross-compiling --enable-native-code=x86-64
$ make -j4 cross-host
--- tools/runtime.com ---
echo '(disk-save "../../tools/runtime.com")'  | (cd tools/runtime &&  'mit-scheme-x86-64' --batch-mode --library ../../tools  --fasl make.`case compile in compile) echo com;; syntax) echo bin;; esac`)
packag.com loaded evaluated
runtime-unx.pkd loaded
gcdemn.com loaded evaluated
gc.com loaded evaluated
boot-seq.com loaded evaluated
primitive-data.com loaded evaluated
boot.com loaded evaluated
generator.com loaded evaluated
dispatch-low.com loaded evaluated
types.com loaded
Microcode Error: No error handlers.
Error code 0xd (wrong-type-argument-0).

** Stack Trace **

    Return code: [return-code pop-return-error]
    Expression: #f
    Return code: [return-code internal-apply]
    Expression: #f
{0xeb8e78}  ...: [false 0x3]
{0xeb8e80}  ...: [primitive SYSTEM-PAIR-SET-CDR!]
{0xeb8e88}  ...: [0x7 0x1153a50]
{0xeb8e90}  ...: [record 0x1153b50]
    Return code: [return-code reenter-compiled-code]
    Expression: 41
{0xeb8ea8}  ...: [compiled-return-address offset: 0xe6 entry: 0x1148586]
{0xeb8eb0}  ...: [0x7 0x1153a50]
{0xeb8eb8}  ...: apply-hook
{0xeb8ec0}  ...: #f
{0xeb8ec8}  ...: [compiled-procedure offset: 0x1c entry: 0x1140bc4]
{0xeb8ed0}  ...: #!default
{0xeb8ed8}  ...: [compiled-return-address offset: 0x57 entry: 0x1144d5f]
{0xeb8ee0}  ...: apply-hook
{0xeb8ee8}  ...: [compiled-procedure offset: 0x1c entry: 0x1140bc4]
{0xeb8ef0}  ...: [compiled-return-address offset: 0x276 entry: 0x1139776]
{0xeb8ef8}  ...: [compiled-return-address offset: 0x29c entry: 0x113979c]
{0xeb8f00}  ...: [environment from #([environment from #(#f [procedure [named-lambda (dummy-procedure boot-sequencer all-boot-sequencers seq:after-conditions seq:after-files-loaded seq:after-microcode-tables seq:after-pretty-printer seq:after-printer seq:after-predicate seq:after-record seq:after-thread-low seq:set-predicate-tag! initialize-after-sequencers! package-sequencer package-name->sequencer add-boot-init! add-boot-deps! conjoin-boot-deps %add-boot-deps! current-package-sequencer with-current-package current-package in-cold-load? cold-load-finished!) 0x1038a18] 0x1038a28] 381 ( (package) package-name-tag . [record 0x1038a38]) (binary-port-input-channel . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10ab4c0] 0x10ab4d8]) (binary-port-output-channel . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10ab510] 0x10ab528]) (binary-port-sink . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10ab560] 0x10ab578]) (binary-port-source . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10ab5b0] 0x10ab5c8]) (input-source-channel . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10ab600] 0x10ab618]) (input-source-custom-length . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10ab650] 0x10ab668])...[505 more]) 0x1038950] [procedure [named-lambda (dummy-procedure unicode-string? system-vector-type-code? system-triple-type-code? system-quadruple-type-code? system-pair-type-code? system-cell-type-code? simple-type simple-procedure? set-type<=! scode-simple-lambda? scode-lexpr? scode-extended-lambda? recnum? ratnum? pointer-type-code? non-pointer-type-code? manifest-nm-vector? legacy-string? hunk3-b? hunk3-a? gc-pointer? gc-pointer-type-code? gc-non-pointer? gc-non-pointer-type-code? misc-false? extended-procedure? delayed? control-point? misc-constant? broken-heart? bignum? %record-subtype weak-pair? vector? uninterned-symbol? uniform-string-type uniform-list-type type? type<= type-test type-supersets type-subsets type-refinement type-name type-dispatch-tag type-derivation tagged-vector-subtype tagged-list-subtype system-vector? system-triple? system-quadruple? system-pair? system-cell? symbol? stack-address? scode-variable? scode-the-environment? scode-sequence? scode-quotation? scode-disjunction? scode-delay? scode-definition? scode-conditional? scode-comment? scode-combination? scode-assignment? scode-access? refine-type primitive-procedure? pair-type object->type no-object? interpreter-return-address? interned-symbol? ic-environment? gc-reclaimed-object? ephemeron? eof-object? entity? dispatch-tag? dispatch-metatag? disjoin-types differ-types conjoin-types complement-type compiled-return-address? compiled-entry-address? compiled-code-block? char? cell? bytevector? bit-string? apply-hook? any-object? all-types all-simple-types %tagged-object? %record? $pair? flonum? fixnum? $default-object? %type-metatag %type-tag? make-type %type-dispatch-tag %type-test %type-supersets %type-subsets %type-derivation %type-refinement %type-printer-name %refine-type simple-types primitive-type-bindings after-cold-load:type<= %type<= after-cold-load:set-type<=! deferred-relations type<=-cache primitive-types initialize-package! code->gct-name name->gct-code names->gct-mask name->gct-index gct-code->index gct-index->code gct-names gc-pointer-mask match-gct-mask) 0x109fa58] 0x109fa68] 10 ( (package) package-name-tag . [record 0x109fa78]) (apply-hook-type-code . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10df540] 0x10df558]) (record-type-proxy-datum? . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10e3dd0] 0x10e3de8]) (record-type-proxy? . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10e3e20] 0x10e3e38]) (%dispatch-metatag? . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10f7bd0] 0x10f7be8]) (%dispatch-tag-subsets . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10f7c20] 0x10f7c38]) (%dispatch-tag-supersets . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10f7c70] 0x10f7c88])...[9 more]) 0x109f630]
{0xeb8f08}  ...: [compiled-return-address offset: 0x1fb6 entry: 0xf02bd6]
{0xeb8f10}  ...: [compiled-closure offset: 0x1f75 entry: 0xf02b95 address: 0xf0a288]
{0xeb8f18}  ...: [comment 0x11394f0]
{0xeb8f20}  ...: [environment from #([environment from #(#f [procedure [named-lambda (dummy-procedure boot-sequencer all-boot-sequencers seq:after-conditions seq:after-files-loaded seq:after-microcode-tables seq:after-pretty-printer seq:after-printer seq:after-predicate seq:after-record seq:after-thread-low seq:set-predicate-tag! initialize-after-sequencers! package-sequencer package-name->sequencer add-boot-init! add-boot-deps! conjoin-boot-deps %add-boot-deps! current-package-sequencer with-current-package current-package in-cold-load? cold-load-finished!) 0x1038a18] 0x1038a28] 381 ( (package) package-name-tag . [record 0x1038a38]) (binary-port-input-channel . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10ab4c0] 0x10ab4d8]) (binary-port-output-channel . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10ab510] 0x10ab528]) (binary-port-sink . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10ab560] 0x10ab578]) (binary-port-source . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10ab5b0] 0x10ab5c8]) (input-source-channel . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10ab600] 0x10ab618]) (input-source-custom-length . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10ab650] 0x10ab668])...[505 more]) 0x1038950] [procedure [named-lambda (dummy-procedure unicode-string? system-vector-type-code? system-triple-type-code? system-quadruple-type-code? system-pair-type-code? system-cell-type-code? simple-type simple-procedure? set-type<=! scode-simple-lambda? scode-lexpr? scode-extended-lambda? recnum? ratnum? pointer-type-code? non-pointer-type-code? manifest-nm-vector? legacy-string? hunk3-b? hunk3-a? gc-pointer? gc-pointer-type-code? gc-non-pointer? gc-non-pointer-type-code? misc-false? extended-procedure? delayed? control-point? misc-constant? broken-heart? bignum? %record-subtype weak-pair? vector? uninterned-symbol? uniform-string-type uniform-list-type type? type<= type-test type-supersets type-subsets type-refinement type-name type-dispatch-tag type-derivation tagged-vector-subtype tagged-list-subtype system-vector? system-triple? system-quadruple? system-pair? system-cell? symbol? stack-address? scode-variable? scode-the-environment? scode-sequence? scode-quotation? scode-disjunction? scode-delay? scode-definition? scode-conditional? scode-comment? scode-combination? scode-assignment? scode-access? refine-type primitive-procedure? pair-type object->type no-object? interpreter-return-address? interned-symbol? ic-environment? gc-reclaimed-object? ephemeron? eof-object? entity? dispatch-tag? dispatch-metatag? disjoin-types differ-types conjoin-types complement-type compiled-return-address? compiled-entry-address? compiled-code-block? char? cell? bytevector? bit-string? apply-hook? any-object? all-types all-simple-types %tagged-object? %record? $pair? flonum? fixnum? $default-object? %type-metatag %type-tag? make-type %type-dispatch-tag %type-test %type-supersets %type-subsets %type-derivation %type-refinement %type-printer-name %refine-type simple-types primitive-type-bindings after-cold-load:type<= %type<= after-cold-load:set-type<=! deferred-relations type<=-cache primitive-types initialize-package! code->gct-name name->gct-code names->gct-mask name->gct-index gct-code->index gct-index->code gct-names gc-pointer-mask match-gct-mask) 0x109fa58] 0x109fa68] 10 ( (package) package-name-tag . [record 0x109fa78]) (apply-hook-type-code . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10df540] 0x10df558]) (record-type-proxy-datum? . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10e3dd0] 0x10e3de8]) (record-type-proxy? . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10e3e20] 0x10e3e38]) (%dispatch-metatag? . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10f7bd0] 0x10f7be8]) (%dispatch-tag-subsets . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10f7c20] 0x10f7c38]) (%dispatch-tag-supersets . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0x10f7c70] 0x10f7c88])...[9 more]) 0x109f630]
{0xeb8f28}  ...: [compiled-return-address offset: 0x2c04 entry: 0xf03824]
{0xeb8f30}  ...: #f
{0xeb8f38}  ...: (("types" runtime types) ("dispatch-tag" runtime tagged-dispatch) ("queue" runtime simple-queue) ("equals" runtime equality) ("vector" runtime vector) ("procedure" runtime procedure) ("list" runtime list) ("weak-pair" runtime weak-pair) ("primitive-arithmetic" runtime primitive-arithmetic) ("srfi-1" runtime srfi-1) ...)
{0xeb8f40}  ...: [compiled-closure offset: 0x31c4 entry: 0xf03de4 address: 0x1104780]
{0xeb8f48}  ...: [cell 0x1104760]
{0xeb8f50}  ...: [cell 0x1104758]
{0xeb8f58}  ...: [compiled-return-address offset: 0x133e entry: 0xf01f5e]
{0xeb8f60}  ...: [compiled-closure offset: 0x1865 entry: 0xf02485 address: 0xf0a3c8]
{0xeb8f68}  ...: [compiled-closure offset: 0x18ea entry: 0xf0250a address: 0xf0a3a0]
{0xeb8f70}  ...: [compiled-closure offset: 0x19b5 entry: 0xf025d5 address: 0xf0a378]
{0xeb8f78}  ...: [compiled-closure offset: 0x1a69 entry: 0xf02689 address: 0xf0a350]
{0xeb8f80}  ...: [compiled-closure offset: 0x1af7 entry: 0xf02717 address: 0xf0a328]
{0xeb8f88}  ...: [compiled-closure offset: 0x1b5c entry: 0xf0277c address: 0xf0a2f8]
{0xeb8f90}  ...: [compiled-closure offset: 0x1c5c entry: 0xf0287c address: 0xf0a2b0]
{0xeb8f98}  ...: [compiled-closure offset: 0x1f75 entry: 0xf02b95 address: 0xf0a288]
{0xeb8fa0}  ...: [cell 0xf0a268]
{0xeb8fa8}  ...: [cell 0xf0a260]
{0xeb8fb0}  ...: [cell 0xf0a258]
{0xeb8fb8}  ...: [cell 0xf0a250]
{0xeb8fc0}  ...: [cell 0xf0a248]
{0xeb8fc8}  ...: [cell 0xf0a240]
{0xeb8fd0}  ...: [environment from #(#f [procedure [lambda ()  0xf0a200] 0xf0a210] 82 (null-environment . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0xf1c150] 0xf1c168]) (object-datum . [compiled-procedure offset: 0x1c entry: 0xf13bec]) (object-new-type . [compiled-procedure offset: 0x1c entry: 0xf13b94]) (object-type . [compiled-procedure offset: 0x1c entry: 0xf13b44]) (system-pair-cons . [compiled-procedure offset: 0x1c entry: 0xf13aec]) (vector-cons . [compiled-procedure offset: 0x1c entry: 0xf13a94]) (package-tag . [reference-trap tag: 14 extra: [triple 0xf1c210] 0xf1c228])...[121 more]) 0xf0a230]
{0xeb8fd8}  ...: [compiled-return-address offset: 0xfe3 entry: 0xf01c03]
{0xeb8fe0}  ...: #f
{0xeb8fe8}  ...: [return-to-interpreter]
    Return code: [return-code non-existent-continuation]
    Expression: #f

No error handler.
* [tools/runtime.com] Error code 1

make[2]: stopped in /home/riastradh/scheme/mit/master/src
1 error

make[2]: stopped in /home/riastradh/scheme/mit/master/src
* [toolchain] Error code 2

make[1]: stopped in /home/riastradh/scheme/mit/master/src
1 error

make[1]: stopped in /home/riastradh/scheme/mit/master/src
* [stamp_toolchain] Error code 2

make: stopped in /home/riastradh/scheme/mit/master/src
1 error

make: stopped in /home/riastradh/scheme/mit/master/src

Taylor R. Campbell <riastradh>
Group Member


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