bugGlobulation 2 - Bugs: bug #16171, glob2 -nox mode crashes


bug #16171: glob2 -nox mode crashes

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Thu 23 Mar 2006 02:27:17 PM UTC
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  Fixed
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Closed
Release:  None Operating System:  None
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Sat 25 Mar 2006 03:08:51 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I didn't noticed this bug when I did try it, just now. But NCT did some fix in the gfx inbetween. I had another bug in sector, which is fixed in CVS now. Reopen another specific bug if -nox fails, thx.

Luc-Olivier de Charrière <nuage>
Group administrator
Thu 23 Mar 2006 02:27:17 PM UTC, original submission:  

glob2-0.8.19 segfaults, when I start it in nox mode:
(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x08125830 in UnitDeathAnimation (this=0x8281080, x=66, y=19,
    team=0x834d2a8) at Sector.cpp:34
#1  0x08151d31 in Unit::handleMedical (this=0x8538be0) at Unit.cpp:791
#2  0x081533b3 in Unit::endOfAction (this=0x8538be0) at Unit.cpp:2544
#3  0x08153722 in Unit::syncStep (this=0x8538be0) at Unit.cpp:537
#4  0x081405dc in Team::syncStep (this=0x834d2a8) at Team.cpp:1446
#5  0x080c9298 in Game::syncStep (this=0xbfa6a9dc, localTeam=0) at Game.cpp:1174
#6  0x080bc354 in Engine::run (this=0xbfa6a9dc) at Engine.cpp:457
#7  0x080ef5dc in Glob2::runNoX (this=0xbfa86be3) at Glob2.cpp:107
#8  0x080ef886 in Glob2::run (this=0xbfa86be3, argc=3, argv=0xbfa86c74)
    at Glob2.cpp:266
#9  0x080f0185 in main (argc=Cannot access memory at address 0x13
) at Glob2.cpp:432

it crashes at this line: Sector.cpp:34:
this->ticksLeft = globalContainer->deathAnimation->getFrameCount() - 1;
deathAnimation seems to be NULL...



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2006-03-25 nuage StatusNone Fixed
    Open/ClosedOpen Closed

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