buggNewSense GNU/Linux - Bugs: bug #39912, gNewSense LiveUSBs created with...


bug #39912: gNewSense LiveUSBs created with UNetbootin do not work

Submitter:  Harry Prevor <habstinat>
Submitted:  Sat 31 Aug 2013 09:25:43 PM UTC
Category:  gNewSense 3 Severity:  4 - Important
Item Group:  All infrastructure Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Sun 08 Sep 2013 10:41:24 PM UTC, comment #3: 

This problem, including the error message: "There was a problem reading data from the CD-ROM... etc." is not unique to UNetbootin. The same error can be experienced using LinuxLive USB Creator, the program recommended on the installation guide. I'm creating a separate bug report to document this.

XX XX <garthand>
Sat 31 Aug 2013 10:04:22 PM UTC, comment #2: 

It seems like the fix I posted does not work, but the issue does seem to be because of UNetbootin. So as of yet, the only way to fix this problem is to recreate a new USB using `cat` instead of UNetbootin.

Harry Prevor <habstinat>
Group Member
Sat 31 Aug 2013 09:41:07 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I just added a warning about this issue in the Installation Manual [1] to prevent users from using UNetbootin.

[1]: http://www.gnewsense.org/Documentation/3/InstallationManual/CreatingTheLiveMedium

-Deleted Account- <sirgazil>
Sat 31 Aug 2013 09:25:43 PM UTC, original submission:  

Upon insertion of one of these USB sticks into a computer and rebooting, the following message is displayed:

There was a problem reading data from the CD-ROM. Please make sure it is in the drive. If retrying does not work, you should check the integrity of your CD-ROM.

This makes little sense to users because there is no CD-ROM.

The fix is detailed here: http://www.dotkam.com/2010/11/29/install-alternate-ubuntu-image-from-usb/

Why exactly this happens is unknown to me, but I've heard multiple users asking for help with this problem on IRC over time.

I know that our installation manual reccomends using cat to create the LiveUSB, but UNetbootin is a very popular tool so we should probably at least try to determine what is causing this bug, or make it more clear to users that UNetbootin should not be used to create a gNewSense LiveUSB.

Harry Prevor <habstinat>
Group Member


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