manGNU Herds - Free Software Association - Cookbook: recipe #145, GNU Herds service interfaces


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recipe #145: GNU Herds service interfaces

Submitter:  Davi Leal <davi>
Submitted:  Fri 19 Jan 2007 07:49:10 PM UTC
Category:  None Importance:  3 - Normal
Status:  Approved Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  antenore Open/Closed:  Open

Fri 19 Jan 2007 07:49:10 PM UTC, recipe preview:  




  • It is enough we have only the '.org'.  For example, '' and '' are taken but that is not a problem because of everybody knows is the one to use.


Davi Leal <davi>
Group administrator


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  • -email is unavailable- added by davi (Submitted the item)

    Follow 18 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2008-12-08 davi Recipe== Proposal: == * HTTP... +2 chars
    2008-12-08 davi Recipe=== Proposal: === *... -4 chars
    2008-12-08 davi Recipe==== Proposal: ==== *... -4 chars
    2008-12-08 davi RecipeProposal: * HTTP at... +10 chars
    2008-12-08 davi RecipeProposal: * HTTP at... +280 chars
    2008-05-11 davi RecipeProposal: * HTTP at... -1 chars
    2007-05-18 davi Recipe* HTTP at... +11 chars
    2007-05-15 davi Recipe* HTTP at... -4 chars
    2007-04-19 davi Recipe* HTTP at... +8 chars
    2007-04-14 davi Summary/QuestionGNU Herds service interfaces: HTTP, CLI, etc. GNU Herds service interfaces
        Recipe* HTTP at... +6 chars
    2007-04-07 davi Recipe* HTTP at... -56 chars
    2007-03-19 davi Recipe* HTTP at... +57 chars
    2007-03-19 davi Recipe* HTTP at... +21 chars
    2007-01-21 davi Recipe* HTTP at... +45 chars
    2007-01-20 davi Summary/QuestionService interfaces: HTTP at, Command Line Interface (CLI) at ..., etc. GNU Herds service interfaces: HTTP, CLI, etc.
        Recipeempty +78 chars
    2007-01-19 davi StatusDraft Approved

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