manFreeON - Cookbook: recipe #193, Using git to contribute to FreeON...


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recipe #193: Using git to contribute to FreeON development

Submitter:  Nicolas Bock <nicolasbock>
Submitted:  Thu 06 Nov 2008 02:51:55 PM UTC
Category:  None Importance:  3 - Normal
Status:  Approved Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  nicolasbock Open/Closed:  Open

Thu 06 Nov 2008 02:51:55 PM UTC, recipe preview:  

Using git

First, clone the master branch from savannah:

git clone git://

This can also be done using the http protocol:

git clone

This will create a subdirectory called freeon and copy the whole repository stored on savannah into it. The master branch will be checked out.

Now create your own branch with

git checkout -b some_name -l

Now you have the some_name branch checkout out and you can go ahead and modify the source code as you wish. To commit changes you made run

git commit -a

To add files to the repository

git add filename

To rename files

git mv old_name new_name

This command will work with whole directories. To remove files

git rm filename

Getting your changes back to us

We encourage you to commit often on your branch while you are developing. At some point you might want to have your changes included into the master branch on savannah. You will need to send us all of the changes you have made. You simply run:

git format-patch master

which will generate several files, one for each commit. Email these files to us so we can include them into the master branch.

Once in a while you should checkout the master branch and pull from savannah to make sure that you keep track of official changes on the master branch:

git checkout master
git pull
git checkout some_name
git merge master

This will get all of the changes we have made on the official master branch and merge them back into your branch.

How to make a tar file for distribution

In order to make a tar file that you can distribute, simply run the command

make dist

Nicolas Bock <nicolasbock>
Group administrator


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  • -email is unavailable- added by nicolasbock (Submitted the item)

    Follow 8 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2008-12-07 nicolasbock Recipe= Using git = First,... +129 chars
    2008-12-02 nicolasbock Recipe= Using git = First,... +163 chars
    2008-11-25 nicolasbock Recipe= Using git = First,... +0 chars
    2008-11-25 nicolasbock Recipe= Using git = First,... +839 chars
    2008-11-06 nicolasbock Recipe= Using git = First,... +538 chars
    2008-11-06 nicolasbock Recipe= Using git = First,... +206 chars
    2008-11-06 nicolasbock Recipe=Using git= +69 chars
    2008-11-06 nicolasbock StatusDraft Approved

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