manAKFQuiz - Cookbook: recipe #106, Internet addresses in quiz-files


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recipe #106: Internet addresses in quiz-files

Submitter:  Andreas K. Förster <akf>
Submitted:  Fri 18 Aug 2006 05:37:10 PM UTC
Category:  web based Importance:  3 - Normal
Status:  Approved Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Closed

Fri 18 Aug 2006 05:37:10 PM UTC, recipe preview:  

The web based variants of AKFQuiz automatically recognize most URI schemes when "htmlcode" is not set.  URIs may be surrounded by spaces or tabs or quote characters (") or enclosed with <...>.

When the URI doesn't start with a known protocol idetifier, you can prepend it with "URI:" or "URL:", so you can have relative addresses. Protocol identifiers must be given in lower case letters, while the prefixes "URI:" or "URL:" must be in upper case letters. "URN:" can be used both, uper case or lower case.

Use "file:"-URIs only as last resort when nothing else is possible.

If you want images to be shown in the quiz, see recipe #107.

The interactive AKFQuiz-programs just show the URI as text.

Andreas K. Förster <akf>
Group administrator


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Follow 10 latest changes.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2006-08-22 akf RecipeThe web based variants... +16 chars
2006-08-18 akf Open/ClosedOpen Closed
    RecipeThe web based variants... +16 chars
2006-08-18 akf RecipeThe web based variants... +82 chars
2006-08-18 akf RecipeThe web based variants... -226 chars
2006-08-18 akf RecipeThe web based variants... -5 chars
2006-08-18 akf RecipeThe web based variants... +350 chars
2006-08-18 akf StatusDraft Approved
    PrivacyPrivate Public
    RecipeThe Web based variants... +14 chars

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