Tetum Translation Project - News: Post Crack rebuild
Post Crack rebuild
Item posted by Peter Gossner <petergozz> on Fri 09 Jan 2004 05:45:26 PM UTC.
After some real grief with ssh and dsa rsa sigs ..
The good people at GNU and savannah have worked diligently toward checking securing and extending the security of the entire GNU / Savannah "domain".
I have downloaded and checked most files (and those I haven't are new :).
Most of the site seems to be working now.. At least as well as it did before.
I have yet to check content of the morris files but a quick browse revealed nothing beyond my typos..
The new dictd translating dictionaries are available.. (though as I write this the tet<>eng dictionary page refuses to load.. ) Once I am sure that's ok I will post to the mailing lists.
The new CVS system is very secure and quite simple once set up.
Hare Dalan
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