Swarm - News: MacOS X Panther - New binaries with Java available
MacOS X Panther - New binaries with Java available
Item posted by Bill Northcott <northcob> on Tue 30 Nov 2004 04:37:15 AM UTC.
New binaries are available for running Swarm on MacOS X 10.3 Panther.
Until the Savannah files area is working properly again, these will be at http://banking.web.unsw.edu.au/w.northcott
These files include everything other than standard Apple software needed to build and run Swarm models on Panther.
There are several versions of the gcc compiler provided. One is identical with that supplied with Xcode 1.5 except that it has a small patch for a nested messages bug. The other is a bleeding edge version built from the latest code in Apple's opensurce cvs. The second compiler includes Fortran, libffi and the GNU Objective-C runtime library.
Bill Northcott
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