CERTI - News: Preparing CERTI 3.2.3 released
Preparing CERTI 3.2.3 released
Item posted by Pierre Siron <siron> on Mon 30 Oct 2006 07:24:13 AM UTC.
The CERTI project is always in progress.
Bugs on the current 3.2 version were reported and some means to correct this version were suggested by the CERTI community.
We are working on a new 3.2.2 version of CERTI. It will be made available near the end of December 2006.
We are also working on a new 3.3 version of CERTI. This version is planned for the end of 2007 year. It will add some new services and mechanisms to the 3.2.2 version in order to fulfill the 1.3 requirements.
New developments are concurrently performed on CERTI in order to build a version of the software that will be in accordance with the IEEE 1516 requirements.
There was some change in the team in charge of management of this site. We want thank a lot Benoit because he did a very good job on this site.
We count on the regular visitors of this site. They will help us in managing this site by continuing to contribute.
We count also on developpers. They will help us by continuing to fill lists of bugs or to submit new patches and corrections.
We will give regularly some information about the developement state of CERTI. In particular, a development planning for new services in CERTI will be presented shortly.
The CERTI team.
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