C/Invoke - News
posted by kyuzo, Mon 22 Jan 2007 04:44:22 AM UTC
This release adds support for the SPARC architecture, as well as collecting the 6 months worth of bugfixes collected by the Lua binding users. A bug was also fixed in floating-point marshaling on x86 and a new build system was implemented. Thanks to everyone for supporting the software.
posted by kyuzo, Thu 13 Jul 2006 01:57:56 PM UTC
Hooray! C/Invoke is now available to the general public. The version number 0.9 was chosen arbitrarily as something "close to" 1.0, but until we have a wider audience testing the code we won't know just how close to 1.0 we are :-).
See the website for more details on the release.
posted by kyuzo, Wed 28 Jun 2006 03:51:47 AM UTC
C/Invoke now has a web site up that houses all of the documentation, information, and project status in an easy-to-browse format. Click the "Homepage" link on the top bar to visit.
posted by kyuzo, Wed 14 Jun 2006 02:52:08 PM UTC
C/Invoke now has a centralized page for development at GNU Savannah. The current status is:
- The mailing lists are functional. Please do not post messages to cinvoke-svn, use cinvoke-dev for all discussion.
- The support tracker is active, but since there hasn't been a release yet we don't expect any support issues.
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