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IPChat 0.6
     posted by beatk, Sat 19 Dec 2020 06:32:31 PM UTC

IPChat has been updated to build on newer systems. Get it here:

IPChat 0.5
     posted by beatk, Fri 22 Apr 2011 09:41:21 AM UTC

Six years later... 0.5 is out! Better late than never! These days, unicode is all around, but IPChat didn't work well with unicode terminals. It does now. And text is transferred in UTF-8 encoding, whatever the user's terminal is. SSL/TLS can be used for encrypted connections. Donwload it from:

IPChat 0.4 (Sale con fritas!)
     posted by beatk, Sat 02 Apr 2005 04:43:02 PM UTC

I just uploaded release 0.4. Most new things have been made by contributors, so I want to thank all of them :-) Matías Aguirre made a cool hash-priority queue for timers. Gonzalo Saavedra wrote a manpage. And Angshuman Sarkar provided basic support for logging. Other changes include converting IPChat to use autoconf/automake, removing the limit of 12 contact windows, and small bugfixes. This is the link:

IPChat 0.3
     posted by beatk, Sun 14 Nov 2004 01:38:04 PM UTC

IPChat 0.3 is out. An important bug which made the program go crazy with some router configurations has been solved. A /set command for configuration options has been added. Time stamping and a /beep command have been implemented. And many small bugfixes, of course. Download this release from:

IPChat 0.2
     posted by beatk, Sat 30 Oct 2004 12:31:27 PM UTC

IPChat 0.2 has been released. Download it from:

The most important improvement is than IPChat is now portable. It should work on most POSIX systems. Tested on GNU/Linux, GNU/Hurd and HP-UX (pa-risc). Big-endian problems, some compilation problems,  and many bugs have been solved. [...]

The first release!
     posted by beatk, Fri 22 Oct 2004 11:08:31 PM UTC

IPChat 0.1 has been released. I consider the project to be in beta stage, since IPChat is completely usable for us. It still lacks some features (see the Tasks section on this site), but they are not really needed for some chatting :-)

See one screenshot here:

Download IPChat from here:

Send us suggestions, bug reports, patches... whatever.

IPChat begins to work!
     posted by beatk, Wed 28 Jul 2004 12:21:42 AM UTC

Feel free to try out IPChat from the CVS. There is not much documentation yet, but you can use embedded help (/help, /help add, ...). The program is very easy to use! Let us know if it works :-)

It currently can be used to chat, but the module which implements the application level protocol is not finished yet, so, for example, nick changes are [...]

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