newsman2html - News

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Plans for 4.0.0
     posted by kiktajm, Sun 25 May 2003 06:09:50 PM UTC

I'm currently working on what will likely be version 4.0.0. Planned updates include implementing bugfixes, an error message for man pages that aren't found, links for subheadings in the man pages, implementing CSS2, and making the output XHTML 1.1-compliant. If anyone has other suggestions or desires, please send an email to the dev list.

mailings lists setup
     posted by ehood, Fri 23 May 2003 05:55:52 PM UTC

Two mailing lists have been created, and, which represent the user's and developer's lists respectively.  All CVS commits made to the source tree will be mailed to the dev list.

v3.0.1 code imported into CVS
     posted by ehood, Thu 22 May 2003 11:30:11 PM UTC

v3.0.1 code base has been added to CVS.  Not attempt is being made
to preserve old SCCS revision history.  Some edits were made to
the code to update email addresses and to reflect migration into
CVS from SCCS.  Preservation of past installation process of
man2html is still TBD

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