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Version 0.5 coming
     posted by Pinaraf, Thu 04 May 2006 04:16:33 PM UTC

Soon (< 1 hour), version 0.5 will be released.
I think it's ready for stable logic API. No major change occured. It's mostly bug fixes.
I also rewrote the core hooks (grep, notice, time...) in a modular way :)

Ho BTW, another HUGE change : was renamed to !

Version 0.4 is out
     posted by Pinaraf, Sat 07 Jan 2006 10:07:04 PM UTC

What's new ?
A lot of bug fixed, a lot of small improvements, small optimisations...
Globally, the code is cleaner, safer regarding threads...
Also, a new logic is available : users, which provide a way to list users connected on a channel. It provides its functionnality to other logics through a register. An example of how to use the register [...]

New year...
     posted by Pinaraf, Sat 07 Jan 2006 01:36:23 PM UTC

Happy new year everybody !

I'm currently busy rewriting every piece of code between the IRCClient.PRIVMSG and the Logics. That's going to be faster and cleaner, and it'd be possible to launch threads for each call directly in the IRCClient, instead of specifically for some functions. The main issue with that would be CPU-intensive calls, so I'm [...]

0.3 released
     posted by Pinaraf, Sat 17 Dec 2005 05:44:04 PM UTC


I think it's time to create the 0.3 release...
So, what's new ?
The really new thing is the rightManager, but also the move of logics to a subfolder : that's making the code easier to maintain...
So don't forget to login yet when you want to execute an admin command, and add yourself to the rights.xml file.
I also accept any new rights plugin : mysql, sqlite, postgresql...

I'm waiting for your feedbacks on the official channel : #modularbot on freenode !

Works on the rights : last part
     posted by Pinaraf, Tue 13 Dec 2005 04:49:58 PM UTC

The new rightsManager is here !
What's new ?
1- A bit secure, with a login system (the previous one wasn't secure at all)
2- Rights are managed in plugins. Currently, only an XML plugin is available, but you can easily add a MySQL, Sqlite, Txt or what you want plugin !
Somebody on IRC may write a plugin for a database :) Great !

May the fun be with us !

Work on the rights system
     posted by Pinaraf, Sun 11 Dec 2005 01:34:07 PM UTC


Currently, the right system isn't really powerful nor secure.
That's why I started to work on a better rights management.
The rightsManager I commited a few hours ago is the first step.
It allows an user to have rights on only one module or call, instead of have the choice between full admin rights or nothing. Off course, full admin [...]

0.2 is here
     posted by Pinaraf, Sat 26 Nov 2005 11:24:39 AM UTC

Ok, I decided to release version 0.2...
There aren't a lot of changes, but I think it's worth releasing a new version.
1- A "context" object is provided with each fonction call. It allows a far better @thread, notice... handling [...]

Still alive
     posted by Pinaraf, Fri 11 Nov 2005 09:39:39 PM UTC

Don't worry, that project is still alive.
But I "killed" it when I wrote what I had to do : I can't work that way, I'm then totally unproductive !
So I can't say what's going to be added, but the fun continue (still without any website)

0.1 released
     posted by Pinaraf, Sat 17 Sep 2005 03:55:36 PM UTC - 3 replies

Ok, that's done...

I commited the first release of modularbot in both CVS and download area.
Its version is 0.1, but there were already 5 major releases of a bot named Dictator, which is in fact the modularbot 0.1 + one additionnal logic.

I'm going to write the website yet.

ModularBot is registered on savannah :)
     posted by Pinaraf, Fri 16 Sep 2005 05:35:58 PM UTC

After more than 6 months of various changes, what was only a simple XML files checker (for the fNux project : is yet a fully featured IRC bot, which is extremely modular.
Considering the fact that it switched from a fNux-only project to a general-purpose project, I decided to make it available for everyone on a well-known website : [...]

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