Simulavr: an AVR simulator - News
posted by tomk, Sun 05 Jan 2020 07:00:10 PM UTC
Hi @all,
now it's done: simulavr release 1.1.0.
Most important improvements:
- bugs fixed (also nearly all reported bugs and patches)
- switched from automake build system to cmake (see manual)
- c++ 11
- support of debian packages
- support of python version 2.x removed (python 2 has end of life), now only python version 3.5 and newer supported
- documentation updated (even if it's never enough documented :-) )
- some more types supported (see manual)
cu, Thomas
posted by zfrdh, Wed 10 Feb 2016 04:29:36 PM UTC
Please use the latest git master. The version from the download area is outdated and contains many many known bugs. So please use latest content from git master!
posted by tomk, Tue 14 Feb 2012 06:31:49 PM UTC
Now it's done! Release 1.0.0 is available. Please use download page on our website for more
informations and instructions. Have fun!
posted by onnokort, Sat 24 Apr 2010 10:22:52 AM UTC
Simulavr has received several updates. The repository of simulavrxx has been moved to git and new code (new devices, tests and interfaces) have been implemented. The web site has been replaced with a more current version which is planned to also contain online version of the manual and additional developer documentation. The C-based version still [...]
posted by rivetwa, Thu 17 Feb 2005 01:53:11 AM UTC
J"org requested that I post the latest CVS sources. This release should help people get simulavr without needing to use CVS and will perhaps help Klaus and I merge any patches we get against the tarballs.
Please recall that simulavr is still un-maintained.
posted by rivetwa, Wed 09 Feb 2005 03:43:00 AM UTC
Due to some email list reported problems that apparently are solved in the latest CVS, I've uploaded the latest tarball.
For what it's worth, if you want to use the latest CVS, please use automake 1.8 or later. Documentation has been added, which precipitated the move(supported only in latest automake). Try it out! ("make pdf" and "make info") Not much there yet, but it is a start.
posted by rivetwa, Thu 11 Nov 2004 06:56:40 AM UTC
Simulavrxx has undergone a good amount of development and questions have been coming up around generating the autotools build scripts. One way to work around build issues is to start with a working tarball.
See the download page for the tarball corresponding to CVS tag simulavrxx_0_8_004.
As always, comments and suggestions welcome, patches greatfully requested.
posted by rivetwa, Fri 03 Sep 2004 03:19:35 AM UTC
A while back (almost a year) I looked at simulavr as well as a few other Free Software options (not many to be sure) and somehow managed to bump into Klkaus Rudolph, who had made many of the same observations as I did about how simulavr seemed to scream for a C++ implementation (or at least OO language). Klaus was generous enough to email me [...]
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