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Top10 no longer developed
     posted by jdeneux, Mon 07 Mar 2011 03:20:14 PM UTC

This is hardly news, as I haven't worked on top10 for a while. Nevertheless I thought I would shut down things properly. will be set free again soon. If anyone has links pointing there, you should remove your link or point to the project's page on Savannah.

Game web site
     posted by jdeneux, Sun 17 Sep 2006 11:36:40 AM UTC

A new site for Top10 was opened:
This site is the visible face of the game, and is intended to become the meeting point for the community.
The project space on savannah continues to be used for the development process.

     posted by jdeneux, Thu 25 Aug 2005 08:21:41 PM UTC

Just figured out there were no news admin for top10. I've added myself, let's see if this works.

By the way, top10 0.3 is out, see the files section.

Work started again
     posted by jdeneux, Sat 14 Jun 2003 10:05:18 PM UTC

I started working again on this game. I finally managed to fix the bug that would cause the physical shape of curves disagree with the way they look. It was a stupid inversion of indices in the matrix math code.
There are still bugs, but the switch from flat triangles to smooth interpolated curves is now basically done.

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