newsTwinLisp - News

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Latest News Approved
Release 0.6
     posted by mbirukou, Wed 24 May 2006 11:38:36 PM UTC

Operators are now usable in the package, where TwinLisp symbols were not exported.

Release 0.5
     posted by mbirukou, Mon 24 Apr 2006 06:49:02 PM UTC

When installing TwinLisp now, you get two executable files: tlisp and tclisp.
tlisp existed before. It can be used for non-interactive purposes and as interactive interpreter. But tlisp's interpreter is limited.
tclisp is on another hand is a full interpreter with a debugger, stepper, etc. tclisp file is nothing but "/.../clisp -i [...]

Release 0.4
     posted by mbirukou, Mon 17 Apr 2006 04:34:15 PM UTC

Release 0.4 provides new syntactic structure "hbind". It is a cl:handler-bind under the surface.

Update syntax highlighting file for KWrite.

Release 0.3.4
     posted by mbirukou, Sat 15 Apr 2006 07:43:30 PM UTC

In this release slicing of lists and vectors works like in Python. Unittest are more rigorous now.

Release 0.3.3
     posted by mbirukou, Wed 05 Apr 2006 10:33:20 PM UTC

This release is using pathnames properly.

Release 0.3.1
     posted by mbirukou, Fri 24 Mar 2006 04:56:49 PM UTC

New release 0.3.1 is online now. There are only small additions, like "else" clause in handle.

Release 0.3
     posted by mbirukou, Wed 22 Mar 2006 11:45:17 PM UTC

In this release, all used by TL symbols from Common Lisp package are written by translator with cl: infront.
Now, if one forgets to insert "COMMON-LISP" package in &use clause in package definition (but will insert "TWINLISP"), TL will work. In effect, one will have a tiny language in this new package.

Release 0.2
     posted by mbirukou, Wed 22 Mar 2006 06:49:02 PM UTC

Release 0.2 is online now.
There are nice structures for handling generic functions.

Mail + status
     posted by mbirukou, Mon 20 Mar 2006 09:54:07 PM UTC

Mail problem exists only if your mail provider blocks maillist for some reason. For me, it was rogers, blocking. Signing with a different address solves the problem, in case you cannot sign onto the list.

Soon, we'll have 0.2 release, which makes some small problems, and will have an improvement in syntax structures for CLOS.

Mail problems
     posted by mbirukou, Sat 11 Mar 2006 03:26:13 PM UTC

Savannah's mail server has some problem (they siad it in their news). Because of this our mail list isn't working properly. So, publish your questions as Support items for now.

Sorry for inconvenience.

Older News Approved
New release 0.1.2 posted by mbirukou, Thu 09 Mar 2006 08:54:44 PM UTC
New release 0.1.1 posted by mbirukou, Sun 05 Mar 2006 11:59:24 PM UTC
First release!!!! posted by mbirukou, Tue 28 Feb 2006 12:24:05 AM UTC
Status update posted by mbirukou, Wed 15 Feb 2006 08:41:20 PM UTC

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