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Tlf-0.9.3 supports USB, and multiple config files...

Item posted by Rein Couperus <pa0rct> on Sun 12 Oct 2003 03:09:24 PM UTC.

I just uploaded tlf-0.9.3

Main features are: USB support and the possibility to use a different config file for each operator...
I have also been able to include the latest feature requests. (Where else do you get this service? :-)

From the README:


- Bug fix: Speed setting from logcfg.dat erratic. Changed parameter to
CWSPEED=xx (was SPEED=xx).

- Bug fix: The auto cq function could not be stopped with ESCAPE

- Changed parameter input for TNCPORT and RIGPORT. The parameters now
accept direct path entry: e.g. RIGPORT=/dev/ttyS0 or TNCPORT=/dev/ttyUSB1.
Tnx ZL2BSJ for the help. This adds USB capability to tlf...

- Added parameter NOAUTOCQ which switches off the auto_cq function

- Added parameter SSBMODE to start tlf in ssb mode (does not switch the rig).

- Added possibility to have several logcfg.dat files:
Start tlf with tlf -f<filename>. You can now have different configurations
per operator. e.g. tlf -fPA0RCT, tlf -fHB9FBL etc...
Tlf first looks at the -f parameter, and expects the file in the
working directory (e.g. /home/yourcall/contest/2003/cqwwcw/logcfg.dat).
The default filename is logcfg.dat. If there is no config file in the
working directory tlf opens PACKAGE_DATA_DIR/logcfg.dat, READ ONLY (often
needs root privileges).
You will need to change the call and other parameters on that one.

- :HELp now displays the manpage.

- :INFo now also displays the relevant filenames, addresses, and ports.

I hope these are all necessary changes for the upcoming cqww tests...

If you plan to use tlf, please test your configuration well before the test...


Rein PA0R

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