newsTransport Sample Protocol - News


TSP 0.8.1 is out !!! Windows Port !!!

Item posted by Eric NOULARD <erk> on Fri 20 Oct 2006 07:25:04 AM UTC.

Hi all
The TSP v0.8.1 is out today!!

Take it directly from

This is a big step release since:

TSP is now using CMake as a build system

TSP now runs on the Windows platform!!!
Test run the CPack generated installer:

You can now read 2 TSP helper documentations:
The updated Design & Programming Guide:

And the fresh and new Programming Tutorial:

This release includes other bug fixes and evolution:
- Targa update for multi-type
- Bug Corrections
   * bug #16629 : Too much memory used
   * bug #17875 : bb_simple_subscribe won't find the requested symbol
   * bug #17153 : Stub server answer to extended info on inexistant PGI 1012
   * bug #16956 : XML2 : can not compile libtspcfg under Solaris

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