AKFQuiz - News
Zero Install feeds
Item posted by Andreas K. Förster <akf> on Mon 28 Jan 2008 08:08:12 AM UTC.
For those who want an easy way of testing AKFQuiz on GNU/Linux systems, there are now some feeds for Zero Install available.
To run either of these programs from the command-line, use one of these commands:
0launch http://akfoerster.de/zero/grquiz.xml
0launch http://akfoerster.de/zero/scrquiz.xml
0launch http://akfoerster.de/zero/linequiz.xml
If you don't have the 0launch command, download it from the http://0install.net/ web-site, which also contains documentation about how the Zero Install system works.
It would be nice, if you would tell me, what you think about it.
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