newsFaunis - News


Faunis 0.3 released

Item posted by Simon Ley <skarute> on Thu 08 Aug 2013 07:05:51 PM UTC.

I am happy to announce that Faunis 0.3 is ready! There are many visible and invisible changes:

Thorough refactoring of Client, MapManager into Modules.
Concurrency can now be better handled by the Sync class.
Introduction of Archivists and refactoring such that all hard disk access goes through them.
All graphics can now be scaled.
Replacement of txt settings files by properties files.
More and better graphics.
Graphics can now be linked: Use a properties file instead of a png file with the same name and write source=... in it.
GUI improvement: Menu bar, list of commands by /h, JSplitPane.
Began implementing Robots (artificial client users) for massive testing fun.
InventoryManager and most inventory functionality broke during refactoring and I disabled it for now. Will reintroduce it once I have thought about a satisfying solution for inventory management.

At the moment I'm looking forward to Eurofurence 19, where I will present Faunis - hopefully to an interested audience?

Best regards,

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