newsDataExplorer - News


Version 3.3.3 released

Item posted by Winfried Brügmann <brueg> on Wed 15 Aug 2018 06:09:58 PM UTC.

1) generic changes/fixes

2) device specific changes/fixes

3) history analysis

>> Add support for triggered values (e.g. motor runtime height)
>> Add refresh menu item and shortcut
>> Add object key wizard (if accessing new directories)
>> Remove MessageBox "No log files"
>> Enhance toggling 'Smart values' by preserving the user selections
>> Fix importing from histo table with reversed x axis opens wrong file
>> Fix InvalidPathException@_SupplementObjectDirs
>> Fix wrong decimal places if switching from histo graphics to histo table

>> Memory cache for aggregated histo data
>> Optimized directory scans for graphics refresh
>> Avoid multiple vault re-reading from the source log files
>> Code optimizations to avoid materialization
>> Remove syncing slave records for incomplete master records
>> Avoid multiple sha1 hashing
>> Remove method synchronizing keyword for methods not used in threads
  * Support new file extensions separator

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