newsAdvanced Gtk+ Sequencer - News


GSequencer v3.0.0 alpha release

Item posted by Joël Krähemann <jkraehemann> on Mon 30 Dec 2019 09:45:27 PM UTC.

Few hours ago, I just released some alpha tarballs. Since I had to fix the integration tests automake files, we ended up with gsequencer-3.0.0-alpha3.tar.gz. Thought, I run the unit- and functional-test prior, the automake targets to run against the installed system was broken.

Some tasks are going to be postponed in favor of earlier release date. Because there will be another ubuntu LTS 20.04 and I would really love to provide the new features to it.

So let me tell you about the major changes already fulfilled.

Migrated to Gtk+ 3

The entire user interface was migrated to Gtk+ v3.24.13. The principles of doing only foreground and background color was adopted.

Extended AgsUiProvider

The most important functions are probably:

void ags_ui_provider_schedule_task(AgsUiProvider *ui_provider,
                                   AgsTask *task);
void ags_ui_provider_schedule_task_all(AgsUiProvider *ui_provider,
                                       GList *task);

These functions allow you to launch task objects.

Moved from POSIX thread API to GThread

The entire AgsThread object was reworked. Many things remain the same like the common events:

The more exotic threading API like locking, waiting or signaling the multi-threaded tree was discarded.

Thread tree accessing functions

Following fields have accessing functions:

The accessing functions increase the reference count:

No more barriers in AgsThread.

AgsTaskLauncher replaced AgsTaskThread

AgsTaskLauncher acquires to libags-audio the related GMainContext, as launching tasks.

Removed objects

Following objects and interfaces have gone:

We are going to use GLib-2.0's facilities to poll file descriptors.

Implemented AgsServer

Yay, full-fledged XMLRPC server providing authentication functions. Authentication was abstracted by interfaces and Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer provides you builtin XML based password store, group permissions and session tracking.


Routeable OSC messages over standard HTTP, the response is provided by a websocket connection. These all with authentication provided by AgsServer.

by Joël

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