patchTiger UNIX security tool - Patches: patch #2530, Update the tiger.spec file.


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patch #2530: Update the tiger.spec file.

Submitter:  Ryan Bradetich <rbrad>
Submitted:  Mon 26 Jan 2004 05:58:17 AM UTC
Category:  OS support Priority:  5 - Normal
Status:  Done Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  rbrad Open/Closed:  Closed

Fri 30 Jan 2004 07:52:39 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Commited to CVS head on: Jan 30, 2004.

Ryan Bradetich <rbrad>
Group Member
Mon 26 Jan 2004 05:58:17 AM UTC, original submission:  

This patch makes two minor modifications to the tiger.spec file.

1. The permissions on ${DESTDIR}/etc/cron.d were being set to 766.  I believe this should be 755.  Minor nit.

2. The configure file is a generated file from autoconf.  I considered removing this file, but many include this generated file.  The current configure file does not generate the tiger.8 and tigercron.8 man pages.  This does not show up in the Debian package because the Debian package makes an explict call to autoconf.  So I added an autoconf call the %build section to be consistant with the debian package.

Ryan Bradetich <rbrad>
Group Member


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Attached Files
file #6777:  tiger.spec.patch added by rbrad (1KiB - application/octet-stream - Patch to fix identified problems with the tiger.spec file.)


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Follow 3 latest changes.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2004-01-30 rbrad StatusNone Done
    Open/ClosedOpen Closed
2004-01-26 rbrad Attached File- Added tiger.spec.patch, #2587

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