patchmldonkey, a multi-networks file-sharing client - Patches: patch #4976, Filetype recognition with libmagic


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patch #4976: Filetype recognition with libmagic

Submitter:  Joakim Verona <jave>
Submitted:  Thu 16 Mar 2006 10:18:01 PM UTC
Category:  Improved interfaces Priority:  5 - Normal
Status:  Done Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Closed

Jump to the original submission

Fri 12 May 2006 09:16:03 PM UTC, comment #11: 

Applied 2006/05/12

spiralvoice <spiralvoice>
Group administrator
Fri 12 May 2006 12:01:26 AM UTC, comment #10: 

Updated 4976_3.patch
- Magic values for BT sub_files (displayed in vd #num) and shared files (displayed in upstats, js popup) are now also computed
- Storing magic value strings happens now in a weak hashtable to save RAM (see mem_stats CommonFile, files_magic:)

spiralvoice <spiralvoice>
Group administrator
Mon 20 Mar 2006 01:26:23 PM UTC, comment #9: 
spiralvoice <spiralvoice>
Group administrator
Mon 20 Mar 2006 11:52:44 AM UTC, comment #8: 

added another version of this patch, using Ocaml-Magic bindings

  • new value impl_file_magic in CommonFile structure (Todo: GUI protocol)
  • to read CommonFile.file_magic file
  • CommonFile magic values are computed once a minute for files without it
  • new debug command: debug_dir, prints magic values for all files

spiralvoice <spiralvoice>
Group administrator
Sat 18 Mar 2006 10:06:16 PM UTC, comment #7: 

basic utilization of libmagic in magic2.patch.
show libmagic info in "vd num" and in webgui rollovers

Joakim Verona <jave>
Group Member
Thu 16 Mar 2006 10:18:01 PM UTC, comment #6: 

This item has been reassigned from the project mldonkey, a multi-networks file-sharing client task tracker to your tracker.

The original report is still available at task #5324

Following are the information included in the original report:

[field #0]                  Item ID: 5324
[field #1]                 Group ID: 1409
[field #2]              Open/Closed: Open
[field #3]                 Severity: 3 - Normal
[field #4]                  Privacy: Public
[field #6]                 Category: None
[field #7]             Submitted by: jave
[field #8]              Assigned to: None
[field #9]             Submitted on: Mi 15.03.2006 um 21:55
[field #10]                  Summary: filetype recognition with libmagic
[field #11]      Original Submission: It would be desirable to know the real filetype of a downloading file as soon as possible. The filetype given by libmagic can then be compared with the file extension. If they differ, say a "rar" is reaaly an "avi", the file is probably a fake.

Libmagic, which is used in the unix "file" command can be used for this.

There didnt seem to be any mainatined libmagic wrappers for ocaml, so I tried generating them with swig. It worked fairly well.

See attached file with the experiment.

This should of course be a configure-time option.

[field #13]               Item Group: None
[field #14]                   Status: None
[field #15]        Component Version: None
[field #16]         Platform Version: None
[field #17]          Reproducibility: None
[field #18]               Size (loc): None
[field #19]            Fixed Release: None
[field #20]          Planned Release: None
[field #21]                   Effort: 0.00
[field #25]                 Priority: 1 - Later
[field #26]          Should Start On: Mi 15.03.2006 um 01:00
[field #27]    Should be Finished on: Mi 15.03.2006 um 01:00
[field #28]         Percent Complete: 0%
[field #30]                  Release: None
[field #55]     Custom Select Box #1: None
[field #56]     Custom Select Box #2: None
[field #57]     Custom Select Box #3: None
[field #58]     Custom Select Box #4: None
[field #59]     Custom Select Box #5: None
[field #60]     Custom Select Box #6: None
[field #61]     Custom Select Box #7: None
[field #62]     Custom Select Box #8: None
[field #63]     Custom Select Box #9: None
[field #64]    Custom Select Box #10: None

spiralvoice <spiralvoice>
Group administrator
Thu 16 Mar 2006 10:17:40 PM UTC, comment #5: 

Release version of the patch, GUI stuff has to be implemented.
libmagic, part of GNU file (
is now an optional dependency of MLDonkey.

new configure option: --disable-magic
new debug command: debug_dir <dir>

to get the filetype computed by libmagic use

Magic.M.magic_fileinfo file

this function returns a string, if libmagic is not used it returns "not implemented"

spiralvoice <spiralvoice>
Group administrator
Thu 16 Mar 2006 12:11:35 PM UTC, comment #4: 

For later usage: libmagic requires (among other stuff) GNU regex
for compiling on MinGW, here is how to do it:

        $ ./configure --prefix=/mingw i686-pc-mingw32
        $ make subdirs= (ignore the error message)
        $ ar ru libregex.a regex.o
        $ cp regex.h /mingw/include
        $ cp libregex.a /mingw/lib

spiralvoice <spiralvoice>
Group administrator
Thu 16 Mar 2006 08:42:02 AM UTC, comment #3: 

The mime type given by libmagic(as seen by "file -i filename") could
be compared with the file extensions to mime-type mapping given by
mailcap, which usually resides in /etc/mime-types.

This file is unfortunately not consistent with the one libmagic
handles. rar files arent identified by mailcap, but they are by libmagic.

Joakim Verona <jave>
Group Member
Wed 15 Mar 2006 10:48:43 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Attached a dirty hack for MLDonkey, no configure checking atm.
But libmagic function should be usable from inside MLDonkey now.

spiralvoice <spiralvoice>
Group administrator
Wed 15 Mar 2006 08:58:21 PM UTC, comment #1: 

heres how to perform the test:

- make a magic.i file like this:
%module ocamlmagic
 /* Includes the header in the wrapper code */
 #include "/usr/include/magic.h"

/* Parse the header file to generate wrappers */
%include "/usr/include/magic.h"

- compile it like so:
swig -ocaml magic.i

we get ocaml interface files and a c wrapper.
- guess it must all be compiled and linked...

swig -ocaml -co swig.mli
swig -ocaml -co
ocamlc -c swig.mli
ocamlc -c
ocamlc -c -ccopt "-I/usr/include/" magic_wrap.c
ocamlc -c ocamlmagic.mli
ocamlc -c

- making custom toplevel
ocamlmktop -cclib -lmagic -cclib -lz   -custom magic_wrap.o swig.cmo ocamlmagic.cmo -o magic_top
ticky to get the linking right

- calling the funs
 (maybe not necessary)

#load "ocamlmagic.cmo";;
open Swig;;
open Ocamlmagic;;
let magiccookie = _magic_open  (C_int 0);;(just opens the lib)                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
_magic_load (C_list [magiccookie; (C_int 0)]);; ( returns 0 on ok)                                                                                                                                                                                                               
let fileinfo= _magic_file (C_list [magiccookie; (C_string "/tmp/142328-5.pdf")]);;                                                                                                                                                                                                 
( returns val fileinfo : Ocamlmagic.c_obj = C_string "PDF document, version 1.2" )                                                                                                                                                                                               
_magic_close magiccookie;; (close the lib)

Joakim Verona <jave>
Group Member
Thu 16 Mar 2006 10:18:01 PM UTC, original submission:  

It would be desirable to know the real filetype of a downloading file as soon as possible. The filetype given by libmagic can then be compared with the file extension. If they differ, say a "rar" is reaaly an "avi", the file is probably a fake.

Libmagic, which is used in the unix "file" command can be used for this.

There didnt seem to be any mainatined libmagic wrappers for ocaml, so I tried generating them with swig. It worked fairly well.

See attached file with the experiment.

This should of course be a configure-time option.

Joakim Verona <jave>
Group Member


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attached Files
file #9951:  4976.patch added by spiralvoice (59KiB - application/octet-stream)


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Follow 25 latest changes.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2006-05-12 spiralvoice StatusReady For Test Done
    Open/ClosedOpen Closed
2006-05-12 spiralvoice Attached File#9671 Removed
    Attached File#9636 Removed
2006-05-12 spiralvoice Attached File- Added 4976.patch, #9951
2006-05-12 spiralvoice Attached File#9950 Removed
2006-05-12 spiralvoice Attached File- Added 4976_2.patch, #9950
2006-05-12 spiralvoice Attached File#9692 Removed
2006-05-12 spiralvoice Attached File#9948 Removed
2006-05-12 spiralvoice Attached File- Added 4976_3.patch, #9948
2006-03-29 spiralvoice Attached File- Added 4976.patch, #6083
2006-03-29 spiralvoice Attached File#6080 Removed
2006-03-28 spiralvoice Attached File- Added 4976.patch, #6080
2006-03-28 spiralvoice Attached File#6068 Removed
2006-03-20 spiralvoice Attached File- Added 4976.patch, #6068
2006-03-20 spiralvoice Attached File#6067 Removed
2006-03-20 spiralvoice Attached File- Added 4976_2.patch, #6067
2006-03-20 spiralvoice Attached File#6064 Removed
2006-03-19 spiralvoice Attached File- Added 4976_2.patch, #6064
2006-03-18 jave Attached File- Added magic2.patch, #6060
2006-03-16 spiralvoice CategoryNone Improved interfaces
    Priority1 - Later 5 - Normal
    StatusNone Ready For Test
    SummaryReassigned item: filetype recognition with libmagic Filetype recognition with libmagic
2006-03-16 spiralvoice Reassign itemFrom group mldonkey, a multi-networks file-sharing client, task tracker To group mldonkey, a multi-networks file-sharing client, patch tracker

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