peopleGrupo de Usuarios GNU de Venezuela - Summary: Group memberlist


If you would like to contribute to this project by becoming a member, use the request for inclusion form.

Technicians, and only technicians, can be assigned items of trackers. They cannot reassign items, change the status or priority of items.

Tracker Managers can fully manage items of trackers, including assigning items to technicians, reassigning items over trackers and projects, changing priority and status of items—but they cannot configure the trackers.

Group admins can manage members, configure the trackers, post jobs, and add mailing lists. They actually also have manager rights on every tracker and are allowed to read private items.

On this page are only presented specific roles, roles which are not attributed by default when joining this project.

Browse with the memberlist.

Active members on duty

  Member Resume and Skills
Group administrator Luis Francisco Araujo <araujo> Set to private
Group member Charles J Quarra <charlls> Set to private
Group member Efraim MARQUEZ-ARREAZA <emarquezarreaza> View Skills
Group member Javier Jaramillo <javi> Set to private
Group member Juan Carlos Karroum <jck77> Set to private
Group member JesUs Lima <jesuslima> Set to private
Group member Juan José D Alessandro M <juancho> Set to private
Group member Leonardo Caballero <lcaballero> Set to private
Group member Héctor Acosta <neo_cool> Set to private
Group member Rafael Isturiz <pelox> Set to private
Group member Sebastián Ramírez Magrí <sebasmagri> Set to private

Currently inactive members

  Member Resume and Skills

You may also be interested in the GPG Keys of all members

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